Superman gives up U.S. citizenship
Public safety ought not be up for sale -- not ever.- Paul HelmkeUnless, of course, it's sold to the Joyce Foundation's and George Soros' agenda. My point of view Paulie is the NRA is buying public safety. Oh, and a gun survey only works if the gun owners are trusting enough to tell someone they don't know that they own guns.
Police and firefighters are still trying to determine what caused the man to catch on fire.H/T to Radley.
Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors. . . and miss. - Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough For Love
As for doing away with reciprocity, it's just another sign that, if some legislators have their way, North Carolina will become one of the most wide-open states in the country for guns[emphasis mine]. These changes aren't just unneeded; they're reckless.Yup, because God forbid there be legislative changes that make having a concealed carry permit actually mean something in North Carolina, or threat permit holders as the responsible adults they are. At the moment there are so many places permit holders aren't allowed to carry with a permit, it's effectively useless to have one. This bill begins to remedy that problem. The goal, as far as I'm concerned, is to allow responsible adult gun owners to legally carry a firearm, concealed or not and with or without a permit, any place a law enforcement officer can. The goal of gun prohibitionists is to place as many restrictions on responsible gun owners as possible and call them reasonable. There is nothing radical or reckless in the incremental changes proposed by HB 650. Call your representatives and let them know how you feel about it.
"I don't understand why (the state) trusts good, responsible people to be able to have their firearm across the street, and as soon as they cross an arbitrary line, they somehow lose all reason and ability to be able to be competent with that responsibility. It makes no sense to me at all."...and an anti-gun State Senator spouts the obligatory bullshit scare tactics because that's all he has.
Obama needled one questioner who asked about gas prices, now averaging close to $3.70 a gallon nationwide, and suggested that the gentleman consider getting rid of his gas-guzzling vehicle.It's nice to know just how much President Obama really cares about those of us that are middle or working class. Barry, if I can't afford $3.70 cents a gallon for gas, what makes you think I can afford to buy a fucking Prius or one of those overpriced electric pieces of shit? Please God, let the Republicans manage to find a candidate worth a damn so we can send this twit back to Chicago. BTW not holding my breath on that one.
“If you’re complaining about the price of gas and you’re only getting 8 miles a gallon, you know,” Obama said laughingly. “You might want to think about a trade-in."
Selleck: “Hey, YOU! What the HELL are you doing? That gun’s NOT a toy -- stop waving it around! Look at you...your finger’s STILL ON THE TRIGGER!That's an outtake I'd love to see.