Man ordered to take down police officer’s name and picture from InternetThere's one way to guarantee your face goes viral and he found it.
H/T to Uncle.
Man ordered to take down police officer’s name and picture from InternetThere's one way to guarantee your face goes viral and he found it.
H/T to Uncle.
Damn, I needed that.
H/T to Uncle.
Many of the Republican Party’s most powerful insiders and financiers have begun a behind-the-scenes campaign to draft former Florida governor Jeb Bush into the 2016 presidential race, courting him and his intimates and starting talks on fundraising strategy.They want to remain the minority party. That's the only explanation for this bit of idiocy. He won't win and even if he did we don't need another Establishment Republican fence sitter in the White House. Conservatives are gonna avoid him just like they did McCain and Romney and the baggage he carries from his brother's terms will turn the Independents against him. Gawd, we are well and truly screwed.
I enjoyed them all. Weber and Conroy are know quantities. I will say that Conroy has found his formula and is sticking to it. As long as you like the formula, as I do, you'll like the book. Cole's is the middle book in a trilogy but doesn't suffer for it. I'm looking forward to the third.
Sen. Leland "Bullet Button Loophole" Yee Arrested On Corruption ChargesAmong the charges are arms trafficking. Poetic ain't it.
"creepy," and essentially accusing her of being an unwitting pawn of the big, bad NRA, unable to think or reason for herself and manipulated by the nasty gun lobby.Well, Mr. Kelly it doesn't suprise me you feel this way since you are a witting pawn of the prohibitionist, anti-gun Progressive Left unable to think or reason for yourself as a shill of said prohibitionist, anti-gun Progressive Left. All you can apparently do is spout the party line and if I had to choose which was creepier between enjoying competitive shooting and attacking a 9-year old it wouldn't be a hard choice...Creep.
Michael Bloomberg Demands ActionWas there ever any doubt?
I propose that people like me who deplore gun violence take our country back from the gun lovers. We can do that by using economic sanctions against states that allow the gun lobby to write the laws. How? By never moving to these states, by moving out of these states and by never vacationing in these states.All I can say is 'please', and we'll return the favor.
H/T to Sebastian.
MILLER: Bloomberg anti-gun group falsely claims victory for Slide Fire’s Chicago billboard endingIt is kinda pathetic this is they only way they can get a 'victory'.
The gun was fired during the struggle, but police said no one was hit. One person received a powder burn from the impact of the shot and was treated at the scene.Maybe a powder burn when the weapon was fired during the struggle?
...but remember the Stupid Party. Ya know, where Establishment versus Tea Party and social conservatism versus fiscal conservatism is a more important fight than Republican versus Progressive/Democrat.
Child’s gun death: Gun control advocates’ latest deception
Cuomo scared to call for special electionsWe find out just how pissed off the citizens of those eleven districts are over the NYSAFE Act. We're gonna find out anyway come the mid-terms in November.
No response yet. Heh, heh, heh.
ATF accuses Ares Armor of illegal gun sales in response to restraining orderJust get a friendly judge to modify the restraining order then do what you damn well please. Business as usual.
Temporary Restraining Order Against BATFEMaking it up as they go along.
NY High School Orders Sophomore to Take Off His Smith & Wesson Sweatshirt – They Were Just as Upset to See the T-Shirt UnderneathZero tolerance: What school administrators do instead of think. What parents need to do in response is sue.
Dr. Carson’s prescription for gun controlI'd need some strong assurances that he supports an individual's right to keep and bear arms or its “nice man, but I could never vote for him for President." I'm done voting for the lesser of evils.
Smart Gun Company Makes a Move on RemingtonYa gotta wonder if that's the real intent. No gun owner is going to buy a smart gun as long as they have a choice. I won't.
Just kinda leaves ya speechless though I do kinda wonder which seed would have the best penetration.
H/T to aliceaitch.
H/T to Thirdpower.
Mitch McConnell Is Vowing To 'Crush' The Tea Party Everywhere
So, good luck with that butt head.
SAF, CGF Score Ninth Circuit Victory in Richards Carry CaseWhatdaya wanna bet a few phones calls get made, some arms get twisted, and this sheriff asks for an en blanc hearing? Just sayin'.
White House threatens to veto bill that would rein in IRSCan't allow the Democrats' enforcers to be muzzled.
California concealed gun ruling put on hold by appeals courtPeruta has been stayed, but no decision has been made on whether the case will reviewed. Considering the California AG denied she had standing when the case first came up, that's still an open matter. Wait and see.
H/T to Alphecca.
They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years and we're not using it anymore. - Jay LenoI may have posted this before but it worth a repeat.