Friday, March 31, 2023

That Pretty Much Sums it Up

Offered for your Consideration

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Good Work

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Just Saying...

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Ignorance Breeds Ignorance

Democrats for “Assault Weapons”!
According to the anti-gun Democrats, the police failed to perform their dutie sbecause they were "out-gunned" and afraid to confront a killer with an assault weapon. These trained law enforcement officers were afraid to confrontan untrained teenager who had armed himself with the same AR-15 many of them had been issued with. We are to give up our Second Amedment rights because the police didn't have the balls to confront a teenage murdering children. Uvald Law Enforcement has done nothing but deflect rsponsibility for their failures from day one. This is just another example. Democrats have chosen to capitalize on this cowardice. The ignorant spread ignorance to the ignorant and we all pay for it. RTWT. H/T to Instapundit.

Link Fixed.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Thursday, March 16, 2023


The gall.
LOL: Fauci Claims GOP Attacking Him Because of His Honesty

Link Fixed.

The World We Live In

Recent Addition

Creature From the Black Lagoon by Terry Beatty. I didn't expect to win it. I placed a bid and forgot to even check in on the auction until the deed was done. It's a small piece but nice. I'm a fan from his time on Ms. Tree other projects with Max Allan Collins. I'm very happy with this addition to my collection. Enjoy.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


Monday, March 13, 2023

One Can But Hope...

...but with a DOJ under the control of the Democrats will it go anywhere?
Are House Republicans Preparing Criminal Case Against Fauci?

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Doctors Don't Seem to be that Good... their own "area" of expertise. What makes them think dipping into one that isn't theirs will have any positive result. They need to clean up their own business before minding someone elses.
Doctors Prescribe Bad Medicine to Address ‘Gun Violence,’ Despite ATF Crime Data

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Isn't That Theft?

Roald Dahl ebooks ‘force censored versions on readers’ despite backlash
Let me get this straight. Fans of Roald Dahl's books bought his books, ebooks, as written by Dahl. The publisher took those books from them and replaced them with their preferred version without the permission of the owners, the people who bought the ebooks. They didn't even give them a warning. They didn't even offer the owners a refund for the books thery bought and wanted. They just took them. Isn't that theft?

Not Cancelled... least not by me.