Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
So the local MAIG Mayors had a press conference...
But gun ownership is on the decline.
Illinois Gun Buyers Now Waiting More Than 60 Days For FOID Card
Thursday, March 28, 2013
The Senate gun bill is...
It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.
If you think that checking someone’s criminal record before he can check out a gun show is common sense, you’ve got to make yourself heard. - President Barack ObamaWow, background checks before I'm able to exercise my right to freely assemble. What next, Barry? Background checks before a citizen can exercise their right to vote?
H/T to Sebastian.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Knives and the Second Amendment
Although Second Amendment cases and scholarship have focused on guns, the Second Amendment does not protect “the right to keep and bear Firearms.” The Amendment protects “arms,” of which firearms are only one category. In this Article, we analyze Second Amendment protection for the most common “arm” in the United States—the knife.
H/T to Sebastian.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
You anti-gun politicians just might want...
Monday, March 25, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Just Curious...
On Infohe's Amendment regarding the UN Small Arms Treaty
To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.The amendment was approved 53 to 46. I take it as a clear indicator of how Senate ratification vote will go
Liar, Liar...
Bloomberg group launches ad buy to pressure lawmakers as gun control push faltersThe only opinion that matters to you Mikey is yours. Your bought polls are designed to give you the answers you want. Senators that want to keep their jobs would be better served to look at another poll of sorts; the record sales of firearms and ammunition.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
I guess they picked the wrong neighborhood.
White House withdraws Halligan nomination
He'll turn around and nominate someone equally, but maybe not so obviously, a threat to the Second Amendment.
Friday, March 22, 2013
I generally think of Bob Beckel as a liberal, asshole, Democrat, Obama apologist. Every once in a while people surprise you.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Now that's funny.

I'm sorry, the AWB will never die. Even if you drove a stake through that bitch's heart some other blood sucking, bottom feeding Democrat would would bring it back from the dead. Nice fantasy though.
Not Good.
Fourth Circuit Upholds Maryland Restrictive Licensing System for Gun CarryingIntermediate scrutiny huh? This suit was brought by the Second Amendment Foundation. I can't see them taking this as the last word. Here praying the Supreme Court sees it differently.The court claims that it’s not deciding whether the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in self-defense extends to carrying a gun outside the home. Rather, the court concludes that, even if such a right exists, Maryland’s licensing scheme — which requires a “good and substantial” reason for a license to carry and which doesn’t treat a general desire for self-defense as an adequate reason — passes intermediate scrutiny.
But it seems to me that means the court is thereby deciding that the right to keep and bear arms doesn’t extend to carrying outside the home for self-defense. If a court lets the government deny the ability to carry guns outside the home for self-defense to nearly everybody, the court is in essence saying there is no such right to carry.
H/T to Sebastian.
In [formerly] Great Britain...
Britain overturns its constitution in the course of a single generationIs there any any slippery slope left for those poor bastards?
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
How's it feel?
This is very important to me and I'm not going to lay down and play dead. I think the American people have said in every single public poll that they support this kind of legislation. It's aimed to protect children, to protect schools and malls. It's aimed to dry up the supply of these over time. And it came out on a 10-8 vote of the Judiciary Committee. Not to give me a vote on this would be a major betrayal of trust.That's rich, Diane. I believe you swore an oath that you would support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic and bear true faith and allegiance to the same. That applies to all parts of the Constitution; not just the parts you like. You've been betraying your oath and the trust of your constituents and the people of the United States since you first term in the Senate.
Fourth Circuit gets it right on Open Carry
H/T to Sean.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
A Liberal's response to Tom Kratman's...
Oh my god.Seriously? That's the best you can do?
No Warrant? No Cooperation.
Dad: This Picture of My Son Holding a Gun Triggered a Visit from NJ Police, Family ServicesIn the People's Republic of New Jersey, police and child services personnel showed up on the doorstep of a gun owner demanding to inspect his firearms. They had neither an arrest nor search warrant. On the advice of his attorney, he told them to piss off. Why? A picture of his son holding a .22 rifle. They threatened, but they left. It's probably not over.
Appears to me the kid is demonstrating proper gun handling etiquette. He and his parents should be complemented.
No charges in case of New Jersey boy pictured with gunNo probable cause. No reasonable suspicion. No crime. No shit.
Now a civil suit by the family might be interesting.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Common Sense my ass.
NRA opposes U.N. small-arms treatyAs should we all.
Any time a prohibitionist uses the term "common sense" check your wallet, count your fingers, and read the fine print because the bastards are out to screw gun owners. Like domestic gun control laws have little to do with reducing gun crime and violence, international gun control will do little to reduce the flow of guns to war torn areas of the globe and instead restrict domestic civilian access to firearms.
Call your Senators and encourage them to vote against ratification of the small arms treaty.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
The Best States for Gun Owners
G&A Ranks the Best States for Gun Owners in 2013North Carolina is at 19. It sits midway between six other States with the same score. We can still do much better. The elimination of the permit requirement to purchase a handgun would be a fine start.
H/T to Jeff.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Schumer's "Intolerable Act".
Let’s suppose you go shooting in the countryside (or even on your own property, not near your house) with a friend, and you loan them your rifle for a few shots. You just committed a federal crime, and they’ll commit one when they had it back.That's only one sample of the "gifts" ol' Chucky is attempting to shove down our throats.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
In New Jersey, if you call an officious bureaucrat a...
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Next Question.
H/T to John.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
One rebel leader explained that the fighters had led the peacekeepers to the Syria – Jordan border and handed them over as a request to the Red Cross and the United Nations to accept the hostages was turned down. It’s believed neither organisation recognises the Martyrs of Yarmouk group of fighters.The U. N. wouldn't accept a group of their peacekeepers taken hostage by jihadis because the jihadis didn't belong to a group the U. N. recognized. How fucked up is that? Oh right, its the U. N..
H/T to veeshir.
A Good Samaritan
Live and learn, or don't...live, that is.
Suffice it to say, if your wife is at another man's house, don't kick in the back door [felony]. Don't assault your wife by choking her [felony]. Don't kick in the bedroom door in an attempt to have a frank discussion with the man who has locked himself inside to avoid said frank discussion [suicidal]. Ending the marriage through the courts is a lot less trouble and a lot less painful.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
At least nobody died.
"With the assistance of the instructor, the malfunction was addressed, but the gun misfired and the bullet ricocheted coming back to strike the VISD employee in the left leg," the statement said.That's dumbshitmediaese for "the VISD employee negligently pulled the trigger and managed to shoot himself in the leg.
H/T to the Duck.
Actions Speak Volumes
Local media outlets report that three senators and three Assembly members met with Remington officials on Wednesday to discuss what they could do to ensure the company keeps its plant in the Herkimer County village of Ilion, where Remington employs about 1,200 people.The answer should have been repeal the SAFE ACT. Instead, Remington is investing twenty million in their Ilion plant. Remington has no comment. Is there really any need. Actions speak volumes.
Friday, March 8, 2013
The White House calligrapher...
H/T to Tam.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Oklahoma police find loaded gun hidden in woman's private partsFreedom Arms .22 caliber revolver. Again, ouch...and ewww.
Mouth says one thing. Vote says another.
Grassley said everyone wants to prevent more killings like the deaths of 20 first-graders and six staffers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. But he said gun control does not work and accused Democrats of wanting to "impose more gun restrictions on law-abiding citizens."...and yet you voted with Leahy. Your actions show your true loyalty. There is no gun control at any level that does not restrict law abiding citizens.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Firearms don't accidentally fire themselves.
School system puts officer program on hold after shotH/T to Uncle.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
One hundred and seventy-seven years ago today...
NRA sponsoring NASCAR
NRA to be title sponsor for NASCAR Cup race in TexasStraight forward story that amounts to NRA members are in large part the same people who like NASCAR. What's missing is the almost obligatory quote from Ladd Everitte or some other prohibitionist to show balance. Nice change of pace.
Iowa man shoots off finger while cleaning gun
Steven Johnson says he inserted a magazine into the gun Sunday night and racked the slide. The 22-year-old says he did not realize the gun was loaded when he pulled the trigger to make sure it worked.If you insert a loaded magazine into your pistol and rack the slide, what else would it be but loaded. Oh? you didn't realize the magazine was loaded? You're lucky the only thing you shot was your finger tip.
S-54: Stop Illegal Trafficking of Firearms Act of 2013
Senators propose making illegal that which is already illegal and has been so since 1968, and punishable by 10 years in Federal prison...or there's something in the fine print that will screw us all. Since Leahy's involved, it sure isn't to our benefit.
Monday, March 4, 2013
If I lose my NRA discounts I'll...keep on fighting you prohibitionist bastards.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Pundit Piers Morgan’s Ratings PlummetHow the free market should work: A talk show host says things his listeners don't like. His ratings go to shit. He's no longer making money for his empyoers. He ends up sitting beside Keith Olbermann in talk show hell. One hopes anyway...
High School Student Disarms Gunman…Gets Suspended?
The students who saved their fellow student ARE heroes, and the school principal or administrator who made the decision to suspend them are an embarrassment and should be fired.
H/T to Glenn.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Friday, March 1, 2013
In [formerly] Great Britain...
New Glasses
This is going to take some getting used to.