When is a Tax Not a Tax? When the White House Says So.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Either acknowledge it's a tax...
...and then there's this.
Chief Justice Roberts Is A GeniusI really really hope his analysis is correct. Borepatch seems to see it about the same. I pray they're both correct and Obama chokes on his "win".
Friday, June 29, 2012
When you think you're the smartest man...
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Holder in Contempt.
No rights the government is bound to respect.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Does he even realize this is the argument the Gun control movement has been calling bullshit on for decades when we make it. Bad guys are going to get the guns whether we have regulation or not. Regulation and gun control laws only keep guns from the law abiding.
Maybe I should title this post Gall.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Damn glad I don't live in California.
California Rifle Identification FlowchartThat's really f$%ked up.
H/T to Claire.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
MILLER: Backdoor gun banEmily Miller on microstamping.
It would serve New York State right to have the firearms manufacturers in the state pick up and move, with their jobs, lock stock and barrel to other states. Then bar their distributors from doing business with any state or municipal agency in New York.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Jon Stewart on Obama and Executive Privilege
Teen shoots intruder
Phoenix boy, 14, shoots armed intruder while watching three younger siblingsIn Arizona a 14 hears someone rings the doorbell. He doesn't recognize the woman. When someone bangs on the door he gathered his brothers and sisters and took them upstairs. He got his fathers pistol and waited at the top of the stairs. An unknown male then broke into the house through a front window. The male was armed with a handgun and pointed it at the boy. The 14 year old boy shot him. The house breaker is in critical condition in a local hospital. The boy and his siblings are unharmed.
Good work.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Holder in Contempt
House panel backs contempt for Holder, Issa says floor vote can still be avoidedHey it only formalized what we thought about him anyway. Now off to the House floor.
Texas father won't face charges in alleged attacker's deathThe local authorities went through the required motions, and, as they should have, the Grand Jury declined to return a true bill. Now the man and his family can get started rebuilding their lives.
If you had even the slightest doubt...
Issa pushes ahead with Holder contempt vote despite Obama interventionH/T to the Duck.
Police: Man claims leprechauns beat him up for dancing
So a group of height impaired guys used their shillelaghs to beat him up then ran like hell. Works for me.
H/T to Drew.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
In juvenile snit, NC Senator Tom Apodaca blocks HB 111
GRNC Alert 6-19-12: Senator Apodaca Thumbs Nose At Gun Owners
Senator Doug Berger (D, GRNC ****) attempted a discharge petition to force HB 111 out of the Finance Committee for a vote on the floor of the NC Senate. Bravo! But, wait! Senator Apodaca (delivering on his angry words to a member) will have none of that and has pulled a procedural trick to block this. By re-referring it to the Commerce Committee, Apodaca resets the clock on HB 111 and it cannot be brought out via a discharge petition for at least 10 days. This move essentially assures that the clock will run out on HB 111, effectively thumbing his nose at your wishes....and he told a caller that it will not come up for a vote and it's because of GRNC so there. That's exactly the kind of adult behavior we need from our alleged friends. I don't live in his district but I'll gladly contribute to whoever runs against him.
H/T to Bubba.
What the hell are they smoking?*
380 American Rebels Reported Killed In Michigan BattleH/T to Uncle.
*Not that I want any, but it apparently causes killer hallucinations.
Will they or won't they?
Issa: Meeting with Holder on Fast & Furious is set, still no documentsThey're talking bout on Fox News and it seems that they have the votes and Issa is ready to go but Boehner is still dragging ass. Probably best not to hold our breath.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Negligent Discharge
H/T to the Duck.
Another long night
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Nowhere To Run.
After America, there is nowhere to run to. Or is there?No there isn't. Estonia's gun laws are as bad as New Jersey's, and there's no way in hell I'd move to New Jersey.
Some useful information
Where to spend your money...Helps to have facts to make educated spending choices.
Now if good and bad were determined as simple as whether you're a Republican or Democrat. For instance, in North Carolina it's Republicans that are blocking Restaurant Carry [HB 111] from a Senate floor vote. With friends like these...*
Happy Father's Day

This should surprise no one.
Definitive Proof That Eric Holder Lied to Congress About Obama's Medical Marijuana CrackdownHe's either a liar or doesn't have a fricking clue what his subordinates are up to. Either way he needs to go. Representative Issa should maybe reconsider holding off the contempt vote.
Not reason enough...
Teen's death raises awareness to black powder riflesGrief, like anger, isn't the best foundation for decisions. A teen in Maryland killed himself with a black powder rifle. Now the father wants them regulated as firearms. Based on the story, he is proposing bars on those under 18 being able to buy black powder weapons. The rarity of suicide by black powder would argue against such regulation. It's not needed. In this case though a friend of the father bought the teen the rifle and the father let him keep it. I'm sorry for the man's loss, but it looks like the father is trying to punish the rest of Maryland for his decisions.
H/T to David
Update: As I've said before I'd fire my proof reader but that'd be me. Spelling corrected
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Gun Control from the flank.
OSHA shooting range ruling points to agenda besides worker safetyNot much point in having a firearm if you don't have a place to practice with it.
In North Carolina even non-felons...
H/T to Uncle.
Obama suspends deportation for thousands of illegals, tells GOP to pass DREAM ACT

Friday, June 15, 2012
Oh Really!
Report: UN to consider $1,300 green tax on USSince does the United Nations have the authority to tax anyone? The first domestic bureaucrat or political who suggests they do needs tar, feathers, and a boot up the ass.
H/T to Bubba.
Monster Hunter Legion
Thursday, June 14, 2012
NC: Update on HB 111, Restaurant Carry
GRNC Alert 6-13-12: Tell Republicans to Deliver On PromisesApparently, the Republican leadership is feeling the pressure but still digging in. They want to wait for the long session to deal with it which is probably code for not in our lifetime. Keep up those emails and phone calls until the put it on the Senate floor for an up or down vote. If HB 111 is such a problem then they can show a little backbone and vote against it with the expected consequences.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
"Just Us"
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
NC Restaurant Carry Update
GRNC Alert 6-12-12: Republicans don't 'get it'-call again tomorrowIt appears our friends the Republicans aren't getting the message on HB111 and need a little encouragement. So call President Pro Tem Phil Berger and Rules Chair Tom Apodaca tomorrow between 9am and 11am and demand they move Restaurant Carry to the Senate floor for a vote.
Monday, June 11, 2012
NC: Restaurant Carry at risk
GRNC Alert 6-11-12: Republicans Lose Spine on Restaurant CarryIt seems clear by now that Republican Leadership sent HB111 to t he Finance Committee to die. Apparently they fear the Democrats in the next election more than they do us. When the Republican come into power they always take gun owners for granted. Time to show them their error. Read the alert and start making phone calls and sending emails.
H/T to Sean.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
NC: Restaurant Carry
GRNC Alert 6-10-12: Act Now to Move Restaurant Carry!There's a chance the bill might not get out of the Finance Committee on time. Call or email your Senator especially if he or she is on the Finance Committee and ask them to push to have it moved to the floor. Do it now.
Update: Sean has set up an easy way to send a tweet to Senators of both flavors here.
Paintballs work too.
H/T to the Cajun.
A Heinlein Quote
Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark.Lazarus Long, "Time Enough For Love" by Robert Heinlein
Friday, June 8, 2012
Restaurant Carry is back on the table...
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Speaker Boehner, stop dragging your ass...
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Negligent Discharge
Botetourt County Sheriff’s Deputy T. Francis said the Fincastle man had stopped in his vehicle just after 6 p.m. in a parking lot in the 5200 block of Lee Highway in Troutville after buying the gun. The man, whom officials did not name, “was unfamiliar with the operations of the firearm,” Francis said.I guess he didn't know that if you pull the trigger the pistol goes boom. Fortunately, it appears it's not a fatal lesson.
H/T to Uncle.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Negligent Discharge
DA: Officer shot wife in buttocks while showing gun to family, friendsHe violated rules 1 through 3. I'll lay odds he broke the "guns and alcohol don't mix" rule. He's damn lucky his wife is alive to tell the tale.
Dumb ass.
H/T to the Duck.
And this is my Quote of the Day...
Of course, a larger caliber that requires less care with shot placement is a far better caliber than the .22. There was a good reason 20th Century police went from the .32 to the .38 and now to .40′s and .45′s. In an emergency, you really do not have time to pick your shot placement.