Monday, April 30, 2018
A new John Woo film...
...and on NETFLIX no less. One of my favorite directors. Excellent.
Pound Sand, Child.
Hogg demands Mike Pence cancel NRA speechPlease, hold your breath.
From the Land of the Perpetually Offended
Remember: when Americans wear silk dresses it's cultural appropriation, when people in other countries wear Levis it's American cultural imperialism
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 29, 2018
It's just a dress.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
I Don't Think So
[Matthew] McConaughey asked his friends who are gun owners to “take one for the team” by giving up their “assault weapons.”I don't think so. We've been taking one for the team every time a worthless politician pushes a gun control law local, state, or federal AND it is never enough. It's always the next step down the slippery slope. Not just NO, Hell NO.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
This is a Happy Ending
Woman shot man who was trying to rob her in downtown Raleigh, police sayA guy violently accosts and attempts to rob a woman in Raleigh, North Carolina, and gets shot in the chest for his trouble. He survived and is in police custody. This what I call a happy ending.
Hornady Tells State of New York to Pound Sand
Hornady stands up to State of New YorkHopefully other ammunition manufacturers will follow suit. Also just because the State makes the request doesn't mean New York banks, financial institutions and insurance companies have to follow its demands. Be interesting to see what happens. Local law enforcement may have to restict themselves to harsh language rather than harsh language rather than firearms.Today, the State of New York did one of the most despicable acts ever perpetrated by any state by asking New York banks, financial institutions and insurance companies to stop doing business with the gun and ammo industry.
While it may not make a difference to New York, Hornady will not knowingly allow our ammunition to be sold to the State of NY or any NY agencies. Their actions are a blatant and disgusting abuse of office and we won’t be associated with a government that acts like that. They should be ashamed.
-Steve Hornady, president of Hornady Manufacturing Company
H/T to GFZ
Definition of a Zombie
I may have posted this clip before, but I was scrolling through Tom Kratman's Facebook page some kind fan posted it in response to this response by Kratman to a question on Quora.The actual question doesn't matter though it's fun to read all of his responses.
Similarly, with the SJWs. They, themselves, are pretty contemptible, spoiled sons and daughters and not-quite-sures and maybes. One gets no sense of real seriousness from them; they seem to be amateur playwrights writing fantasy plays in their heads for themselves to star in, in which fantasy plays the rest of us are reduced to the status of morally insignificant stage props. IOW, they’re no danger, in themselves.Zombie=Liberal...mmmmmmm. Okay.
However, from the point of view of the hard right…and, increasingly, even the more moderate right, frankly…there could be no better set of tools for swinging the country right.
And, yes, that means the moderate left - your left - ought to be seriously worried about that because, among other reasons, when righties talk guns and zombies, “zombies” is just code - that’s the only code word they ever use - for liberals, and the guns are to kill same.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Recent Addition
The seller didn't identify the artist or the book it came from but the signature is Steve Pugh's or appears to be close enough for government work. Here again, the price was right and it's a nice piece. Splash page with man reclined with semi-auto in hand with girl. My kinda page. If, by chance someone knows the comic this came from, let me know. Thanks.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
The Usual Suspects claim the AR-15 is rarely used as a defensive weapon
AR-15 Used To Repel Home Invasion, 30 Rounds FiredThe three home invaders claimed to be sheriff's deputies and kicked in the front door. One of the bad guys fired his weapon. Two of the residents responded with an AR-15 and a handgun striking the three home invaders. The bad guys fell to the floor and the residents retreated to a bedroom and called the police. The good guys were unharmed. the Score for the bad guys was one dead and two wounded. To the Usual Suspects: the AR is a perfect defensive weapon and you lie.
They do want to take all our guns...
Where's Dorothy when you need her...
The one where Shannon Watts loses her ever-loving mind.Batshit to batshit, I swear.
Again, Just Secede Already
Secessionists launch petition campaign for California independenceLarry Correia sums it up well .
Don't let the door slap you in the ass on the way out.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Recently Read
Honestly, with some of these collaborations I'm not sure how much Eric Flint actual has to do with them. This isn't a 1632 novel but the premise is similar in that a group of modern teenagers and their teacher finds them selves thrown back in time, 14th Century France, and adventures ensue. The twist is the transfer takes place when during the summoning of a demon to assist in the search for a serial murderer. It didn't really grab me. The story is slow paced. It was boring. Thus the question about how much Flint had to do with the actual writing of this book. He 's done better. Heck, his collaborators have done better.
Monster Hunter Memoirs: Saints by Larry Correia and John Ringo
There is nothing boring about this book. Standard Ringo. I traded off sitting on the edge of my seat with laughing my ass off. The plot? Chad saves the world more or less and that's all you need to know before you read it. I don't know that we will get more from Ringo but I can hope. Highly recommended.
Then a third officer from the Broward County Sheriff’s Office walked in, and began asking me the same questions again. At that point, I asked whether I could record the interview. They said no. I asked if I had done anything wrong. Again, they answered no. I asked why I was there. One said, “Don’t get snappy with me, do you not remember what happened here a few months ago?”He seems to be a respectful well behaved young man. I can almost see him biting his tongue to keep from saying "watching my friends die while your co-workers sat on their asses outside." Since he is a respectful well behaved young man, he didn't.
In [formerly]Great Britain...
UK Court Rejects Parents’ Appeal To Save Their Terminally Ill ChildThen again, how is that different from legal abortion here in the United States. With abortion, at least it is the parent's choice?
Monday, April 23, 2018
A young lady came to the aid of a law enforcement officer who was in a struggle for his life against a suspect trying to get his gun. She shot the suspect. He later dies. She was cleared of wrongdoing by the local District Attorney, and now she and the Officer are being sued. The officer's Department will cover his legal expenses. She is on her own and needs help. You can help by donating whatever you can here.
This case is about more than the right or wrong of one party suing another. Imagine not being able to come to the aid of another person for fear of being sued, possibly to the point of bankruptcy. The case is about a person having the basic God-given right and the 2nd Amendment right to defend both yourself and others and without the fear of civil retribution.Perhaps the worst choice we make, is not to protect our family, ourselves, or others when confronted with life threatening situations when we clearly have the power to do so.
The person in harm’s way needs to have faith that someone may come to their rescue in that moment of extreme need without fear of retribution.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Be Specific
If we elect a new congress and we pass laws making gun ownership illegal for people like you, and the government comes to take your guns, what will you do?The question isn't what gun owners will do. The question is what you will do if only one percent of this country's 75,000,000 gun owners* tell you and your masters to shove it? Be specific.
What will you do? Be specific.
*That number is based on numbers from 2013's General Social Survey and Gallup. I think the number is much higher. The survey assumes a gun owner is stupid enough to even answer the questions. I wouldn't. Why? Because of e. nitwits like Mr. "Be Specific" and politicians who piss on the Constitution every time they get a twinge.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
It's What They Do...
CDC surveys in the 1990s, never publicly reported, indicate nearly 2.5 million defensive uses of guns a year. That matches the results of Gary Kleck's controversial surveys, and it indicates more defensive than offensive uses of guns[UPDATE]AND Kleck's article on the CDC Surveys has disappeared from the SSRN Database. That's okay. There is a copy here.
Friday, April 20, 2018
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Twenty-Five Years Ago Today...
Two-Hundred and Forty-Three Years Ago Today...
Just Some Guy
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
How to deal with SJWeenies trying to destroy a career...
Monster Hunter Memoirs: Saints - eARCAt $15 it's a steal.
So, John Ringo was scheduled to appear at ConCarolinas and the SJWeenies had a fit. Apparently some made threats. Mr. Ringo withdrew from the Con at the request of the organizers because of fear for HIS safety. The SJWeenies are trying to claim a win because the organizers "caved". I like the way Mr. Ringo puts it...
Maybe the Parkland Children aren't the face of a generation
Despite Post-Parkland Activism, Youth Not Registering To VoteAlso...
DAVID HOGG’S MAIN CONSTITUENCY IS MEDIA MATTERS, AND MEDIA MATTERS’ MAIN CONSTITUENCY IS LEFTY JOURNALISTS: The Hill: Ingraham’s ratings spike a wake-up for advertisers....and maybe a people know a true bully when they see one.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Recently Read
This seems like a wrap up for Dixon's Levon series. If so, I'm OK with that. Here, Levon made a promise when he was deployed to Iraq and now he return's to keep it. Dixon's prose in these novels strikes me as sparse but it works for this story. Read the series. It's well worth your time.
Though Hell Should Bar the Way by David Drake.
The latest of Drake's Lt. Leary series is as good as anything Drake has written before. This time Leary and Mundy aren't the central characters. Here Leary takes a former RNC cadet, forced to resign because of his father's crimes, under his wing. The cadet is the central character and the story is told in the first person. I w on't get into plot in that I don't want to ruin it for anyone who might pick it up, but it's good. In fact, I'd say I like this entry into the series more than any of the previous volumes. It's good stuff and highly recommended, but then, it's Drake.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Friday, April 13, 2018
I Like This.
Are you a mildly tech-literate politico horrified by the level of ignorance demonstrated by lawmakers gearing up to regulate online technology they don't even begin to grasp? Cool. Now you have a tiny glimpse into a day in the life of a gun owner.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 10, 2018
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Baseball Bat [kinda] v. Firearm
Teachers Get Baseball Bats to Confront Shooters in Pennsylvania DistrictToy baseball bats. Yeah, that should work out well.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
If I ever need a new bank, I look to Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo Resists Union Threats Aimed at Getting It to Drop Gun Manufacturer Clients
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
In [formerly] Great Britain...
OK, I'll admit context is everything. The screwdriver, needle nose pliers and scissors could be used as stabbing weapons. No on the file and pliers. Advertising this seizure makes the officers look like fools. In Britain that's apparently encouraged. Poor Bobbies.These items were found during a #weaponSweep near #MackworthHouse #AugustasSt during #OpSceptre . Safely disposed and taken off the streets
— Regents Park Police (@MPSRegentsPark) March 16, 2018
I might also add that this is what lies at the bottom of the slippery slope.
Monday, April 9, 2018
Recently Read
Accidental Warrior by Colin Alexander
Every once in a while I just pull up Amazon and look for new authors and something new that might grab me. The synopsis for Alexander's novel reminded me of H. Beam Piper's "He Walked Around The Horses". Why? A College Freshman seeking shelter in a storm suddenly finds himself in an alternate North America three hundred years after it was settled by royals fleeing a devastating European plague. So, no United States. No industrial revolution. just a hodge podge of small sovereign nations always on the edge of war. Into this is dropped, our American teen. What does not kill him makes him stronger, and he grows into the adult he wasn't.
It did grab me, and it was three dollars well spent. Good story. Well drawn characters. Good action sequences. I liked it and look forward to more. Highly recommended.
Sunday, April 8, 2018
IS This What It's Coming To?
Multiple shelters destroyed after fire intentionally set at Randolph County firing rangeI can't imagine there wasn't agenda involved here.
H/T to John.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Recently Read
Kupari is the co-author of the Dead Six trilogy with Larry Correia. This is the sequel to his novel Her Brother's Keeper and the further adventures of Captain Blackwood and the crew of the privateer Andromeda. This time they're hired to transport a exiled general back to homeworld so he can prevent it's annexation by the evil Combine. There's really nothing new here but it still well done AND I'm looking forward to more.
Friday, April 6, 2018
A1 Will Do.
Perfect hat recipe:
— Sargon of Akkad 2.0 (@SargonOf_Akkad) April 4, 2018
1 hat (gluten free)
1/4 cup of tide pods
2 cups soy extract
A whole clove of garlic minced.
Mix thoroughly in a condom that has been snorted....
Ah hell I ran out of ideas. This was going somewhere but I failed.
Thursday, April 5, 2018
It's all good, but the guy you wanna listen to starts at 4:41.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Two guys break into a house...
Pictured: The pensioner, 78, arrested on suspicion of MURDER after 'stabbing armed burglar, 38, to death in struggle in his kitchen' when two intruders woke him as he slept next to his wifeNot the first time.
This kind of shit is what we in America can look forward to if David Hogg and the Parkland children and the big money backing them get their way.
I cite those celebrity assaults not because celebrities are more prone to wind up as crime victims than anyone else, but only because the measure of a civilized society is how easily you can insulate yourself from its snarling underclass. In America, if you can make it out of some of the loonier cities, it’s a piece of cake, relatively speaking. In Britain, if even a rock star or TV supremo can’t insulate himself, nobody can. In any society, criminals prey on the weak and vulnerable. It’s the peculiar genius of government policy to have ensured that in British society everyone is weak and vulnerable –from Norfolk farmers to Tom Cruise’s neighbor.Read the whole article. It applies now more than ever.And that’s where America is headed if those million marching moms make any headway in Washington: Less guns = more crime. And more vulnerability. And a million more moms being burgled, and assaulted, and raped. I like hunting, but if that were the only thing at stake with guns, I guess I could learn to live without it. But I’m opposed to gun control because I don’t see why my neighbors in New Hampshire should have to live the way, say, my sister-in-law does–in a comfortable manor house in a prosperous part of rural England, lying awake at night listening to yobbo gangs drive up, park their vans, and test her doors and windows before figuring out that the little old lady down the lane’s a softer touch.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
I've always thought Roseanne Barr...
The main reason to watch the show is that you know the Hollywood Left has to hating this something awful. that's the plus to keeping the ratings up.
Monday, April 2, 2018
In [formerly] Great Britain...
London murder rate is HIGHER than New York's for the first time ever after TWELVE killings in just 19 daysApparently, the idea of allowing your citizens to arm themselves for self-defense doesn't occur. Knife control will make it all better.
Sunday, April 1, 2018
They want to take ALL our guns
DNC vice chair calls for repeal of the Second Amendment in tweet
They want to repeal the Second? Yeah, campaign on that platform. Please. Get David Hogg and Hillary Clinton to campaign as a team. You'll win for sure.