Sunday, April 15, 2018

Recently Read

Levon's War by Chuck Dixon

This seems like a wrap up for Dixon's Levon series. If so, I'm OK with that. Here, Levon made a promise when he was deployed to Iraq and now he return's to keep it. Dixon's prose in these novels strikes me as sparse but it works for this story. Read the series. It's well worth your time.

Though Hell Should Bar the Way by David Drake.

The latest of Drake's Lt. Leary series is as good as anything Drake has written before. This time Leary and Mundy aren't the central characters. Here Leary takes a former RNC cadet, forced to resign because of his father's crimes, under his wing. The cadet is the central character and the story is told in the first person. I w on't get into plot in that I don't want to ruin it for anyone who might pick it up, but it's good. In fact, I'd say I like this entry into the series more than any of the previous volumes. It's good stuff and highly recommended, but then, it's Drake.

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