Thursday, February 28, 2013
Twenty years ago today...
On the New York Boycott...
MagPul is a great example and they do not deserve to be knifed in the back as a traitor. As Tam has said, we in this community are fantastic at stabbing traitors in the back but we need to be sure they actually are a traitor. Some may not support the boycott not because they support police over the rest of us, but because of legal fears from being publicly traded, or disagreement on how effective that tactic will be at garnering support among the people who actually use the products....and from Sean.
The Naughty List is gone because I’ve decided to get rid of the negative. This list is a shopping list of people who stand by your rights. Tam says we’re absolutely awesome at “knifing traitors.” Unfortunately that means we are quick to find traitors in need of knifing. When the day comes that we need to work together to knife a traitor, you can be sure I’ll be there. Right now is not that time. Right now is the time to build allies.The list is up to one hundred and three. If I'm in the market for new hardware these guys get first shot.
Horse Pucky
White House says it didn't approve release of illegal immigrants...and the White House didn't know anything about Fast and Furious either.
God only knows when this made its first....
H/T to Pissed.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Why yes, it is...
The mothers, the women, the men of America have to make a decision as to whether their personal pleasure is more important than the general welfare, - Sen. Diane Feinstein.*criminals, politicians, and various other lowlifes.
To date, ninty-seven companies...
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
In Chicago...
On the New York Boycott...
The Cascade of Companies Boycotting NY ContinuesThe article Sebastian quotes can be found here.
Monday, February 25, 2013
"It's silly."
N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg bans 2-liter sodas with pizza delivery: report
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Universal Background Checks = Registration = Confiscation
Democrats say that keeping records of private sales is necessary to enforce any new law and because current federal law requires licensed firearm dealers to keep records. Records of private sales also would help law enforcement trace back the history of a gun used in a crime, according to Democratic aides. Republicans, however, believe that records of private sales could put an undue burden on gun owners or could be perceived by gun rights advocates as a precursor to a national gun registry....and a national gun registry is a precursor to confiscation. The prohibitionists' goal is clear if not immediate, and that is to confiscate our guns. Any Senator or Congressman who votes for background checks on private sales is a prohibitionist. any Senator or Congressman who votes for gun control at any level is a prohibitionist and an enemy and must be dealt with accordingly in coming elections. Any ground given to the prohibitionists is a irreparable blow to our liberty. There is no cover. There is no middle ground. There is no compromise.
Call your representatives and make this point clear.
H/T to Bob.
Keep up the good work Joe.
No law abiding citizen of the United States of America has any fear that their constitutional rights will be infringed in any way. None. Zero. VP Joe Biden. So Joe, if I think your actions and that of the prohibitionists in Congress and other legislative bodies infringes my constitutional rights I'm not law abiding? I'm a criminal? It's a wonder anyone can understand a damn thing you say around that foot stuffed in your mouth, or is it your head up your ass? Keep up the good work Joe.
H/T to Sean.
Mixed Results
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Son uses firearm to protect parents from home invaders leaps and bounds.

...and the New York Boycott now stands at forty-one forty-four forty-eight fifty-three fifty-seven* businesses.
Image via Firehand.
...and that's just today.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Because all the useless gun laws you've already forced on your citizens...
Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) and 18 other House Democrats have proposed legislation that would impose a 10 percent tax on concealable firearms and use this revenue to fund federal grants for gun buyback programs.Sanctimonious gits."For far too long we have watched gun violence shatter the lives of thousands of families every year, and it is time to stand up and protect our children and our communities," Sanchez said Thursday.
Call the usual suspects.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Roseanne Barr: Arm Women, Train Them To Make Clean Headshots
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
H/T to Sean.
Compromise from the SAF?
Second Amendment activist Alan Gottlieb said Tuesday he has offered to back a controversial gun-control proposal — if lawmakers agree to end what some see as a de facto database of handgun owners.I seriously hope this is a misquote. After all the good work they've done for gun owners it'd be a shame for them to piss it all away supporting Obama's gun control agenda at any level.
H/T to David.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Choosing Sides
Thanks for posting this email. I just received a concerned telephone call about it, an email from the staffer who stimulated the mail.This is fence sitting bullshit. Armalite has chosen to support those who will be tasked with enforcing unconstitutional gun control laws over law-abiding gun owners. Can Armalite survive on law enforcement sales alone? I guess they're gonna find out.I think a bit of clarification is in order.
The root of the matter is a HUGE series of inquiries by both email and telephone asking ArmaLite to cut off sales to New York and other states which deny its citizens the right to own our rifles, as several other firms have done. Some of the contacts have been duplicates of others and some were so redundant that they appeared to be spam. Many of them have been rude and I'm afraid one of my staffers thought that he was responding to a spammer and was more terse than he should have been. Once he realized what happened he came to me and apologized. My purpose here is to pass on his apology from the corporate level and to answer the initial question: What is ArmaLite going to do?
ArmaLite is continuing a policy put into place when California first banned our rifles. That policy remains:
1. We will not sell to those states which deny it's honorable citizens the right to own ArmaLite's.
2. We do not halt sales to individual officers even in problematic states. I am a former Police Officer myself, and the staffer who stimulated the recent anger is a currently serving one. We are well familiar with the fact that most rifles serving Police Officers are purchased by the officers themselves, and that they shouldn't be punished for the actions of their political elite.
We consider sales to those sate subdivisions which are not engaged or potentially engaged with disarming its citizens. DNR and Forestry Departments, for instance, sometimes serve in remote areas that conceal drug farms and their officers deserve good hardware.
3. We will not sell to those lower political subdivisions that deny their honorable citizens the right to own ArmaLite's. Chicago, for instance, prohibits its citizens from owning ArmaLite's within the city limits so we make no effort to sell into that city. We have many friends on the Chicago Police Department and have continued to sell to them individually.
Our observation is that most County Sheriffs disagree with banning sales of our rifles and many publicly refuse to enforce such laws. We sell to those departments and to their Deputies, but will not sell to those County departments headed by Sheriffs who would deny their citizens the same rights.
In short, Americans need not worry that ArmaLite is selling to those who betray them.
As you can see by reading posts on the topic, some readers have been harsh with their criticism of ArmaLite. It was in response to this atmosphere that my staffer reacted harshly. He's come to me and apologized and I personally am passing my own apology along with his.
But don't be mistaken, ArmaLite is strongly involved with both personal, corporate, and political efforts at the State, National, and International level to protect our civil rights. And we'll continue to support your shooting needs as the situation moves forward.
Mark Westrom
ArmaLite Inc.
H/T to Sean.
Monday, February 18, 2013
McCain on gun control: Most of the Senate will support universal background checksSee you in 2014, you liberty hating, prohibitionist bastards.
AR wielding guard foils robbers.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Holy Cow! Firefighter shoots at cow; hits partner insteadProbably a rule four violation.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
The New York boycott gets a reaction.
Apparently, NPR did a story about how one, Chief Michael Biasotti, president of the New York State Association of Chiefs of Police, is butt hurt over Olympic Arms refusal to do business with New York State agencies as long as the State of New York's new unconstitutional gun laws are in effect. This is apparently bullying. Seriously? Well then, let's have more bullying. The list is now at seven bullies.
UPDATE: From Comments Michael Biasotti responds.
Appartntly Not! You can't find a link because their is none, I never spoke to NPR nor am I "Hurt" over Olmpic Arms refusal to do business with New York State. I am President of The New York State Association of Chiefs of Police but that is the only accurate statement! I fully support the second amendment and have no idea what "Popehat" is or what they are talking about!Michael Biasotti
...and then there were six.
Cheaper Than DirtFrom little acorns...It has been and will continue to be Cheaper Than Dirt’s policy to not to sell prohibited items to government agencies and/or agents in states, counties, cities, and municipalities that have enacted restrictive gun control laws against their citizens.
H/T to Sean.
Not all threats to our liberties are direct.
Won't effect us here in the United States you might say?
What makes you think that Obama's Department of Education won't take a win on this case to heart and use it to good effect on local home school movement? The United States Supreme Court has made it very clear in the past that religious freedom is an individual right. Yet our current government does not seem to understand this. They only think of us as members of groups and factions. It is an extreme form of identity politics that directly threatens any understanding of individual liberty.
This is as much a threat on our individual liberties as Obama's current assault on the Second Amendment.
Friday, February 15, 2013
What's left unsaid is "right now".
Obama seeks to allay fears: 'I actually don’t think we should ban handguns'The man has an adversarial relationship with the truth.
His goal isn't to reduce gun violence. If so, by his logic, the focus would have to be handguns. They're the weapon of choice for criminals. Rifles, and the subset, scary black rifles, are used rarely in crime. Hammers are used more often. In truth, Obama believes in the insurrectionist interpretation of the Second Amendment and the rifle is the weapon of choice for the insurrectionist. His current focus on "assault weapons" isn't about mass killings. It isn't about reducing gun violence. It isn't about reducing crime. It's about removing a threat to the progressive agenda. So handguns aren't so important now. They'll come later.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Well said.
The Post in Which I Piss Off EVERYBODY.Spot on, as usual.
I can't get excited by the question of whether Senator Robert Menendez had sex with a prostitute in Central America. It is her word against his -- and when it comes to a prostitute's word against a politician's word, that is too close to call. - Thomas SowellH/T to Kevin.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Mandatory Gun Buybacks?
But we're paranoid to believe this is Obama's endgame.
Homeowner shoots housebreaker.
Store owner defends self with rifle taken from robber.
Wait a second... shouldn't the bad guys have taken a gun from the store owner and used it on him?
Another Firearm's Company takes the high road.
Olympic Arms, Inc. Press ReleaseHey guys, it will only work if you all step up.
Sean has started a page listing the companies joining the boycott.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Sunday, February 10, 2013
A good start
LaRue Tactical: News ReleaseWish they had applied it to Federal Agencies as well.
GRNC suggests we ask some other firearms companies to put a little skin in the game as well.
Warm Bodies
Its not like we weren't aware of their biases.
ABC, CBS, NBC Slant 8 to 1 for Obama's Gun Control CrusadeFortunately, they aren't the gatekeepers of what's newsworthy any longer.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Indoctrination 101
7-year-old playing an imaginary game at school gets suspended for realThe school administrators who thought this one up are the ones who should be suspended. This is where we are going to lose the battle. These nitwits control our children's minds for several hours a day. Home school your kids. You can't do any worse a job than these professionals.
H/T to Claire.
How can you tell when a prohibitionist is lying?
Rep. Sarbanes: Some Gun Makers Build Sales Models on Assumption 20% ‘Will Get Sold Illegally’Their lips are moving, and/or they're on camera. Breathing. That works too.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
In [formerly] Great Britain...
Muslim abuser who 'didn't know' that sex with a girl of 13 was illegal is spared jailAt the very least, the judge should have let the father have five minutes alone with the pedophile with the only stipulations being he couldn't kill him or permanently disable him. Methinks that would have gotten across the idea that bedding children is a bad thing. Just saying.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Bruce Willis on the Second
I think that you can't start to pick apart anything out of the Bill of Rights without thinking that it's all going to become undone," Willis told The Associated Press in a recent interview while promoting his latest film, "A Good Day To Die Hard." ''If you take one out or change one law, then why wouldn't they take all your rights away from you?Nice to know not everyone in Hollyweird has sipped of the Kool-Aid.
The funny thing is you evil git....
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
That's one dangerous criminal you just got off the streets...
"Leave us the hell alone."
Monday, February 4, 2013
In the Senate...
He called for expanding background checks and steps to halt federal gun trafficking while saying the Senate should "take a look at" unspecified limits on ammunition magazines.This is what e get from that sterling advocate of the Second Amendment Harry Reid. In North Carolina I'm confident Richard Burr will oppose the legislation. Hagan, I expect, will vote yea. Call your Senators and tell them, not no, but hell no.
Intolerant Zeroes
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Poor Victim Selection
Friday, February 1, 2013
GRNC Second Amendment Freedom Rally
Anyone from Durham going? Maybe we can carpool. I'll gladly contribute gas money.