Thursday, December 18, 2008

NRA a Paper Tiger?

Ton Teepen writes that the NRA has become a paper tiger. He bases this opinion on the Brady Bunch's evaluation of the last election. A lot of pro-gun politicos got booted. Please keep believing that Mr. Teepen, Mrs. Brady, Mr. Sugarman, and all you other pro-gun control twits. Pass legislation that restricts my second amendment rights. Please. Then you'll understand that the lesson of the last election was gun control. It was the economy. A large number of gun owners voted on the economy the last election rather than out gun rights. They bought the bullshit that Obama supported out second amendment rights. That will change when you start pushing your agenda. The senior Bush lost his bid for re-election after he banned several semi-autos by executive order. Clinton lost control of the House and Senate after the passage of the "assault weapons ban". It can and will happen again. The mid-terms are coming. The NRA may be a paper tiger. Maybe. Rest assured gun owners are not. So please...

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