Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ed Rendell [Gov-PA]: Cops want gun control

...this is what the enemy looks and sounds like. - Thirdpower

Governor Rendell makes a very impassioned argument for gun control. He fills it with lies and Brady Talking Points which is kinda redundant. He's OK with people owning hunting rifles but assault weapons are too powerful and their rounds can penetrate bullet proof vests like the rounds for hunting rifles can...and the only thing assault weapons are good for is killing cops...and if you care about cops you have to support gun control like all police officers do...bullshit. The national organizations for police administrators and Police Chiefs support gun control just like their political masters demand. If you are a Chief of Police in a medium to large city you are beholden to those that hired you. Spout their bullshit or find another job. Then there are the cops who career advancement is dependent on the coat tail on which they sit. Same story. Rank and file cops are split along the same lines as the general population with, I'd say, the gun rights position taking the lead. That estimate is based on personal observation, but then most of the cops I know have more guns than me.

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