Sunday, May 17, 2009

A kick to the head

Take a look at this video over at David Codrea's Gun Rights Examiner. It's a long video so wait for the payoff at the end.

A guy leads the police on a merry car chase placing everyone's lives in danger. He finally crashes the car and takes off on foot. When he realizes he cornered he drops to the ground, belly down, and arms spread obviously surrendering. the first police officer to reach him clearly kicks him in the head. The second officer on the scene delivers several blows to the torso with either a baton or flashlight. the third officer on the scene has the dog which he controls. With the arrival of the fourth officer, the suspect is finally handcuffed. Number one stands up and high fives the K9 officer. This is recorded for posterity by the News helicopter hovering above.

He makes valid points that I agree with. The rationale offered by the police attorney is bullshit. Distraction blow my ass. A kick to the head can kill.

Where I come from that kick would be called a "use of deadly force." Wait a second, since the scumbag on the ground had offered his surrender it would be an "unjustified use of deadly force." I understand the chase placed the lives of all involved at risk, and the cop's anger was justified. That anger doesn't justify that kick to the head or the pummeling with the baton. Police don't get the luxury of letting their emotions control their actions. The scumbag is in jail. The cop ought to be in the next cell down.

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