Friday, January 23, 2009

Target Rich Victim Disarmament Zones

I've heard college campuses called "victim disarmament zones" I like to refer to college campuses as "target rich environments". Anyone can run amok and who knows how many will die before the police can take the shooter down.

Here in North Carolina we have weapon on campus laws that essentially prohibit anyone but law enforcement and other state actors from having weapons on campus. We haven't had a Virginia Tech style massacre yet, but it’s coming. When that day comes the school administrators and politicians will look to blame everybody but those truly responsible; themselves. They've created within their hallowed halls a test site for gun control. No one can legally possess guns on a school campus but the authorities. CCH permit holder are prohibited from carrying on school campuses. Students and staff should be perfectly safe.
In North Carolina we have the excuse that it's "the law", but in Virginia the only thing that prevents students and staff from protecting themselves with a firearm are policies. The State of Virginia doesn't prevent adults from carrying on campus but University policies prevent anyone from carrying a firearm on campus for self-defense. Attempts to force a change in these policies through the legislature were opposed by the school administrators and failed. So how's that working out for you?"

The answer?

Va. Tech stabbing suspect charged with murder.

A female student was stabbed to death by a male student. He decapitated her. Police were on the scene within a minute. Seven other students witnessed the incident. Police were on the scene within a minute and still couldn't do jack except clean up the mess and assign blame. That is not a negative reflection on the police. They did their best. They did their job. It is a negative reflection on the University. There were seven people present who might have intervened to save her life IF they had the means. She might have saved her own life IF she had the means. And they didn't have the means because you bastards wouldn't let them. I can look at myself in the mirror. Can you?

UPDATE: It took the campus cops four minutes to arrive. Four minutes on a college campus?

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