Thursday, June 30, 2022
What May Be
Supreme Court Vacates Large-Capacity Magazine and Assault Weapon Bans in a Preview of What's Coming NextAs expected, post Bruen a lot of cases are going to have to be reconcidered by the lower courts under the new guidelines. This article gives you a preview. I, personally, think the liberals on the lower courts will just find a way to apply struct scrunity to their advantage. The goal is still too screw gun owners. We will see.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Recent Addition
I think this will be enough for a while.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Recent Additions: HeroesCon 2022 Art
Saturday, June 25, 2022
More Mostly Peaceful Protests
Pro-Abortion Protest Turns Violent: Lawmakers ‘Held Hostage’ In Arizona CapitolIt's going to be a long summer as carries on in a manner that makes the J6 crowd look peaceful which they mostly were. Funny how they are mostly peaceful only when the Left carries them out. Had the Court upheld Roe Pro Life adherents would have held a silent vigil without any of this nonsense and still cleaned up after themselves.
Friday, June 24, 2022
HeroesCon 2022
I hit Mike Grell's table first off and commissioned the above and got some art and a book signed. Next was Don Rosa. This time I cam prepared to get a drawing. He particular about who he gives them to: fans only. I qualified. I'm not realy a Duck fan, but I am a Don Rosa Duck fan. I then I found myself in the line for Walt Simonson for three hours with some realy nice people. That's still a big chunk of the day. Simonson was the only artist there I found who was doing sketches for free as long as you provided the art board. Nice guy. He apologized because he had to take breaks. Then it was off to find Wayne Vansant were I purchased a lot of neat art. Really great guy to talk to. He has a new Battron book coming out next year. He showed me the proofs. Looks great. It was a hit and miss for getting stuff signed the rest of the time. I did pick up a nice Usagi drawing from Michael Dooney, and a few other odds and ends from others. The Chris Claremont line? Too long. Took a pass.
There were some artists who seemed to be rarely at their table, but, all in all, a lot of really nice guys. It did feel rushed though. Next year, two days events allowing.
Don RosaThe CrowdMike Grell
Thursday, June 23, 2022
It Makes No Sense.
It makes no sense that it’s illegal for someone under 21 to buy a handgun or even a beer, yet can legally buy an assault weapon. My amendment is a commonsense fix with broad public support that should receive bipartisan backing and I hope that it’s allowed a vote. - Sen FeinsteinIt makes no sense that someone under the age of 21 can serve in the military and vote but can't buy a handgun, drink beer, or smoke tobacco. You are an adult at eighteen or you are not, and you can do much more damage with an uninformed vote than with beer, tobacco, or a gun. Case in point: Congress on any day that ends in Y.
And That's a Win
BREAKING: Supreme Court Issues Landmark Ruling Solidifying Gun RightsAmid the bad news a burst of sunlight. "May issue" permitting got the boot. I haven't read the decision yet but that's the gist as I understand it. All the right people are butt hurt so that's a good sign. We have a win for the good guys. Now those pesky lower courts will do their utmost to undermind it.
UPDATE: We got strict scrutiny. That, hopefully, will deal with those pesky lower courts and their intent to undermind the Second Amendment. Last, nice of the Court to release this before those f**kers in the Senate vote on their gun bill.
Recent Additions
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
I Guess We"ll See
White House denies having plan to cut off sale of AR-15 ammunition from Missouri plantSounds like somebody floated an idea and it blew up in their faces. Still, I trust the source on this more than I do the White House.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The Stupid Party
BREAKING: The Gun Bill Just Dropped. Here's What We Know.At least the Democrats are open about hating me. The Republicans pretend to be my friend then stab me in the back.
Monday, June 20, 2022
Most Anti-Gun President Ever...
500 Percent Spike In Biden Administration Shutting Down Gun Retailers Over TyposWe have two and a half more years of this shit.
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Lord Knows, Its Happened to Me...
A better view of Biden falling off a non moving bike.
— Jon Nicosia (@NewsPolitics) June 18, 2022
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Tim Sale RIP
Tim Sale passed away today. I first saw his art on the Theives World graphic novels then Billi99. He then moved on the DC and Marvel. I was hoping to meet him at HeoresCon this year but he dropped out, and now we know why. His death is a damn shame. He has over his career brought so much joy to his fans. Rest in Peace sir.
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Monday, June 13, 2022
The Stupid Party - Guns Edition
A surprise: Senate group reaches deal on gun control packageI do not understand why the Republican party must continually choose defeat when victory is just around the corner if they stay pat. This framework on gun control will produce no positive results. It gives Chuckie Schumer a win and alienates gun owners. That places potential victories in November at risk if supporters of the Second Amendment sit out the election. Maybe not the politically expedient supporters of the Second Amendment, but those that believe they have rights not subject to governmental whim will. If I can't trust you to protect one enumerated right, I can't trust to protect the others. This position gains you nothing but the appreciation of Democrats and left leaning independents, maybe, and they aren't going to vote for you anyway no matter what you do. Why alienate your supporters? Wait. I forgot. You're the Stupid Party.
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Nobody Does a Rant Better than Larry
The ugly truth the beltway can't grasp, it isn't that regular America doesn't care about Jan6. It's that they hate you for making their lives miserable, so when they saw you cowering, they thought good, now they know how it feels to be afraid.
— Larry Correia (@monsterhunter45) June 10, 2022
The further you get from the beltway, the more Americans hate and distrust their government. Why shouldn't they? You do nothing but fuck them over while your pet media blatantly lies to their faces.
— Larry Correia (@monsterhunter45) June 10, 2022
Where was the big public trial about the abysmal fuck up in Afghanistan, so many Americans wasted time, money, and lives on?
— Larry Correia (@monsterhunter45) June 10, 2022
Where was the big pubic trial for the hundred other Biden fuck ups?
We all know the answer.
Which just further illustrates why we despise you.
Friday, June 10, 2022
Speaking Truth to Those Who Will Not Listen
Mother Tells Congress Gun Control Laws Didn’t Save Her Son Because They…Do…Not…Work...and isn't it strange they only had ONE pro gun voice at the hearing? Yeah, not really. I suspect someone didn't expect what her message would be. Some staffer is looking for a new job now.
Public Service Annoucement
Public Service AnnoucementImagine being a politician with cratering approvals in a country that increasingly can’t afford gas or food, and deciding to remind the citizens how easy it was the last time disgruntled folks stormed the capital city and sent the government fleeing in panic.
— Erin Smith ⚓️ (@erinsmithSF) June 10, 2022
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
He Came Prepared
Nicholas John Roske arrested outside Brett Kavanaugh's home with chilling arsenal of weaponsHe was an pro-abortion and gun control activist, but who knows to what the FBI will attribute as his motive.Police said they searched the bag and suitcase that Roske showed up with and found two magazines and ammunition to go along with the suspect's freshly purchased pistol, a pistol light, a black tactical chest rig, a tactical knife, and pepper spray. He also had on him what seemed to be likely burglary tools, including a hammer, screwdriver, nail punch, crowbar, and hiking boots with padding on the outside of the soles. Roske also had zip ties and duct tape.
Rep. Scalise, survivors of 2017 baseball shooting call for FBI to review investigation
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Monday, June 6, 2022
Sunday, June 5, 2022
Amazing Ghost Stories #14 - Matt Baker Cover Art

A friend of mine owns a used book store/comic shop in Durham, North Carolina called Books Do Furnish A Room. I listed this comic on eBay for him a couple of days ago. The bidding quickly took it to $1026. We were surprised. He bought it years ago because he likes the pre-code horror. The cover was nice but he wanted to read the stories inside. The cover is actually beautiful work by Matt Baker. Baker was one of the first African-Americans to find any success in the comic book field. That and the fact he draws such beautiful women are a couple of the reasons this comic attractive to comic book lovers, and, specifically, comic book speculators. I like it because it is damn beautiful work. Enjoy.
Saturday, June 4, 2022
Its What They Do...
Are We Just Going to Ignore Biden's Biggest Whopper in His Shoddy Anti-Gun Address Last Night?