Sunday, January 24, 2016

Quotes of the Day

No one is just as bad. Granted, the other Republican candidates aren’t perfect. They range from “pretty good” to “almost as bad as Hillary”. BUT if my scenario is right — and even if it’s not a conspiracy I think this is how it will play out — even Hilary is not as bad as Trump. Oh, don’t get me wrong, as bad or worse in governance, because they’re both incredibly corrupt and both a little nuts. BUT electing Trump as a Republican cuts off the avenue of future escape. - Sara Hoyt
When Trent Lott, Bob Dole, John McCain, and Orrin Hatch would all prefer Trump over Cruz, you guys might want to reexamine who is the "anti-establishment" candidate. Duh.

When the dude donates to the likes of Clinton, Rangle, Schumer, and Rahm Friggin' Emmanuel, and the only right side donation that comes close in dollars is to Mitch "Turtle Face" McConnel's Great White RINO Hunt against the Tea Party Fund, that might be a clue who is part of the establishment. - Larry Correia

Trump is not the nation's salvation. He's our frickin' doom. I still say he is or was a Clinton operative with the intent he run as a third party candidate and draw votes from the GOP a la Perot. It's only way I could see Hillary winning. I think what they didn't take into account is the number of low information voters he is attracting and his chutzpa and arrogance. If there is a chance in hell he can win, he will take back seat to no one.

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