Friday, November 15, 2013

So much for rule of law

The Constitutionality of the ObamaCare “Fix”
Apparently, the Prez can change Obamacare on a whim for his own political convenience with a wave of his wand. If he gets away with it here what's to keep him from doing the same with other legislation?

He is also essentially ordering insurance companies to ignore the law. With Obama's track record regarding truthfulness and his "if you like your policy you can keep your policy" lies, I'm not sure I'd trust him down the road not to sic Eric Holder on those evil insurance companies for violating "the law'.

1 comment:

Veeshir said...

He's been doing that since it started.
He's handed out tons of waivers to various political supporters and even to a few states.

He's probably surprised that people are upset at his 'fix'.