Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wal-Mart is plannng... open stores in Washington DC. Brenda Speaks, a Ward 4 ANC commissioner, opposes opening the stores because young people would get criminal records when they couldn't resist the temptation to steal. Another bit of evidence as to why DC is so fracked up.

H/T to Radley.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps that's accurate--for her constituents.

Let me tell you a little story, for entertainment purposes only.

Once upon a time there was a failed city called Detroit. The parasites had driven out the taxpayers, and celebrated this great victory every Halloween night by burning down half the remaining structures in the city.

Anyway, back in the 1990s, in Detroit, various national supermarket chains and "big-box" retail stores opened stores in Detroit. They did this over the loud objections of local civic leaders, who denounced them for "putting the Mom & Pop stores out of business" and accused them of being secretly motivated by "racism." Note, incidentally, that this is Detroit, which (as we all know) has been a bombed-out Third World cesspit for forty years. There were and still are a handful of convenience stores and bodegas in the city, whose numbers do not appear to have been affected by this. Whether these are the "mom & pop stores" the city council was so eager to defend is not clear; on the one hand, there hasn't been an old-style greengrocer in Detroit since the 70s, but on the other hand these are cramped little convenience stores with bulletproof glass and stainless steel roll-down shutters on the wall facing the street, and they sell lottery tickets, cheap wine, Twinkies, and cigarettes, not fresh vegetables.

Anyway, after opening a number os stores, which were promptly robbed, vandalized, and not infrequently set afire by the local "diverse urban yoots," and suffering continuous brazen theft and robbery, Wal-Mart, Kroger, and the rest, after five years of having their stores looted and set ablaze, and hundreds of their employees robbed, raped, and murdered in the parking lots by the locals, looked at the bottom line and concluded that Detroit was just not a profitable location. So all the stores closed, and in the year 2010 there is not one supermarket nor big-box retail store operating within Detroit city limits.

Remember those people who condemned Wal-Mart and Kroger for building stores, and accused them of being racist for thinking they could do business in Detroit and make a profit? Yes, you're right. You guessed it. They have informed us in the most solemn tones of which they are capable that Wal-Mart and Kroger closed their Detroit stores because they're RAAAAAAAAAAAYCIST. And they did this deliberately, to create something called a "food desert," which, according to the breathless announcers on NPR, is "any area in the industrialised world where healthy, affordable food is difficult to obtain." Because those "mom & pop stores," you see, which the Detroit city council and the various "community organizers" are so eager to protect from RAAAAAAAAAAYCIST outside competition, sell what their customers want: fruit punch, potato chips, menthol cigarettes, blunt wrappers, and malt liquor. Anyone who has spent much time around "diverse urban yoots" will recognize these as the Ghetto Food Pyramid, and will notice the behavior in my purely fictional story as the norm among a certain... er, culture: it's ALWAYS Whitey's fault. No exceptions. If Whitey wasn't even there, it's because Whitey is RAAAAAAAAAAYCIST and that makes it still Whitey's fault.

Any similarity between the fictional cities of Detroit and DeeCee is, of course, purely coincidental, especially if you note the demographic similarity, which automatically makes you RAAAAAAAAAAYCIST.