Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Arguably Treasonous"

Go here to see Jon Stewart taking aim at the Right for their lack of support for the Obama Administration. I ain't posting it here. He calls Rush Limbaugh "arguably treasonous" for saying he hopes Obama fails. If that's the case then there are a shitload of liberal pundits, bloggers, and politicians who were "arguably treasonous" over the last eight years since they not only said they wanted Bush to fail but did everything in their power to see it happen. For my part there are a few things I hope Obama utterly fails at: gun control, "fixing" the economy, shifting the War on Terror from a military model to a law enforcement one, "fixing" up my family's medical care, and others I've not thought of yet, but will. Jon if that's "arguably treasonous", then OK, I'm "arguably treasonous". I can live with that label. At this moment this is still a free country and I can say what I damn well please short of "yelling fire in a crowded theater" or the functional equivalent. What a schmuck.

H/T to Big Hollywood

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