Thursday, June 29, 2023

Doesn't Matter. They've Already Planned Workarounds

The Affirmative Action Decision is Out

Go Toward the Sound of Gunfire

Good Work.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Heroes Con 2023 - The Last

When I went to Jared Cullum's booth to collect my commission I also bought a copy of his book Kodi. He was kind enough to sign and Remarque it for me. While we were talking I got distracted by his other artwork, specifically another Usagi commission, and ended up walking away without my book. I didn't realize it until I was two and a half hours way. He was kind enough to mail it to me . Nice guy. Class act. I can't wait to get more art from him.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Just Saying...

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The War on Gun Owners Continues...

Armed IRS agents raid Montana gun shop, seize gun purchase records

Tucker Carlson #4

Keep Lying

White House Keeps Pushing Debunked Claim on Assault Weapons Ban
They don't know how to do anything else.

Heroes Con 2023 - The Best Thing of All

I was able to get on Jared Cullum's commission list for Heroes Con and picked it up at the show. He's done beautiful TMNT and Usagi covers and I was damn lucky. You can see the talent in the art. I think he'll be one of the next big things and not just in comics. Look up his book Kodi. Book two is in the works.

Heroes Con 2023

I spent the weekend at he 2023 Heroes Con. Most of my time was spent, damn near all of my time was spent seeking out artists and get autographs. Most of those went into my copy of the Sakai Project. I did have fun but not enough to make the two and a half hour drive back for the second day. Kinda wish I did now.














Me and Carl Potts of Punisher and Shadowmasters fame.














Me and Jeff Smith of Bone fame.











Remarque by Bo Hampton of Lost Planet, Viking Prince, and too many titles to mention. 











Remarque by David Peterson of Mouse Guard fame.











Remarque by Michael Dooney on a variant cover of The Last Ronin.











Remarque by Reid Beaman of The Stretcher Bearers fame. BTW if you like War Books you need to read this. It's about the stretcher bears during the trench warfare of WW1.Damn good book. 











Remarque by Michael Dooney in my copy of The Sakai Project.











Remarque by Jeff Smith in my copy of The Sakai Project.











Splinter and the Kids by Reid Beaman










Padma by Gus Mauk

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Take a Nap, Joe

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Tucker #3

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Saturday, June 10, 2023

That's 20 to 40 Million F*** Yous to the ATF...

...and they can't let that stand. They also can't arrest 20 to 40 million gun owners. Expect examples to be made.
The owners of just 0.6% to 1% of AR-15-style pistols have complied with a May 31 deadline set by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to register their firearms. By failing to do so, the owners of an estimated 20 million to 40 million guns could face 10 years in prison, a $10,000 fine, or both.

Banana Republics

Friday, June 9, 2023

Tucker Carlson, Ep. 2

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

He's Back

Now to see what their next tactic to silence him.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Burn It to the Ground

After Durham Report Excoriates FBI for Abuse of Power, GOP Won’t Reauthorize FISA Spy Law Without Reforms
Anything that operates out of the light of day is subject to abuse. Kill it,The government abuses the hell out of it. What they did to Trump is only what we know about. When the FBI bitches about National Security, remind them they did it to themselves.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

She Has a Point

With AOC, it's kinda hard to tell the difference between her policies and parody.
Mock them till they cry

And Then What Happens?

Judge in Missouri v Biden ain't buying what the government's shoveling
Even if the paintiffs win, what will be the consequences? The socail media platforms that cooperated with the government aren't being sues here are they? If the government loses and face fines, that you, me and Joe Taxpayer footing the bill. Unless the people doing this shit face pain nothing will change. Pain is career, finance, retirement consequences. Nothing else will have the slightest impact. Oh, they will get new policies forbidding this in the future. They already have a policy forbidding it. The first Amendment which they ignore like they do the second, fourth, sixth, and tenth at will. Without consequences, this is a waste of time. If I'm wrong, tell me I'm wrong. Just saying...

Thursday, June 1, 2023

I Love My MAGA Extremist Supreme Court

SCOTUS to unions, 8-1: You break it, you bought it
I was once a member of a union. Fortunately I live in a r ight to work state and quit. Wasn't easy. I had a ten day window each year to quit. When I missed the window they let me quir but kept taking dues out of my paycheck for another year. I damn well hit the window the following year. In my opinion, they are nothing more than ongoing criminal enterprises. The leadership doesn't give an eff about the membership only what they can stuff in their pockets from the dues.

Reaping What You Sow

Target in free fall: Retail giant's stock is downgraded by JPMorgan after $14 BILLION is wiped off its value in two weeks two weeks amid backlash over its Pride 'tuck-friendly' swimwear range