Biden's record-setting tax increases will take your money — and your jobDoes he even think before he opens his mouth? Not that I want him to stop.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
A Winning Election Strategy
Monday, June 29, 2020
Probably Not
Most of these people are buying guns because they are frightened. How they vote will depend on who they blame. It may not be Antifa BLM or the Democrats.
New Gun Owners Could Sway Future Elections
gun rights
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Friday, June 26, 2020
R. I. P. Joe Sinnott
Longtime Marvel inker Joe Sinnott dead at 93, family saysI've loved comic books since before I could read them. There were inkers I dreaded to see for various reason. Joes Sinnott was never one of those. His work complemented the pencils he inked. He was extremely competent at this trade. He will be missed.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Just Because...
George Floyd was murdered in a city run by a Democrat mayor since 1973, whose police chief was appointed by a Democrat, in a state with two Democrat Senators, and hasn't voted for a Republican President since Nixon. Completely insane she can say something like this unchallenged.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) June 23, 2020
politics as usual
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
A 90% Drop in Covid19 Deaths...
...and we get crickets from the Media.
Media Ignores 90% Coronavirus Death Collapse In Country
lies the media tells you
...but that's not what we are being told.
Daily COVID-19 Deaths in the U.S. Have Fallen Dramatically Since April
COVID-19 hospitalizations hit another record high in NC, pass 900 for the first time since the start of the pandemic
The point of the lockdown was to give the country the time to ramp up testing, look for treatments, and increase medical supplies. By curbing the spread, health officials could more readily identify hotspots and conduct contact tracing, and the health care system could cope with any increase in demand. Which, as Kudlow points out, is exactly what’s happening now. P> What’s more, the increase in coronavirus cases matters only if they are going up faster than expected, and whether this is resulting in a second wave of deaths.Neither of those appears to be true.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Father's Day
Owen Maple Smith, my dad. He's the guy wearing the hat. This was taken in the late 40's. A Sunday afternoon after church get together where firearms were involved. It's been forty years since I lost my dad and I still miss him oh so badly.
Recent Additions

Jolie Japanaise by Louis Paradis. Google Translate says that means pretty little Japanese. She is.
comic art,
original art
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Friday, June 19, 2020
Thursday, June 18, 2020
You First
Some Atlanta police call in sick, mayor asks for them to honor commitmentWhen you became Mayor you accepted the responsibility of being fair and even handed to your treatment of city employees including the police. You have failed in that. You have failed your city. Resign.
politics as usual
What "Right Wing" Violence?
Facebook removes hundreds more accounts as right-wing violence spreadsYou'd think these people were living in a George Orwell novel.
journalistic fuckwittery,
What Did They Expect
Reports claim Atlanta police officers are walking out en masse over Rayshard Brooks charges, APD admits to 'higher than usual number of call outs'Maybe this was the spike in COVID they keep talking about.
Not Just Tyranny in Government
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - Thomas Jefferson
petty tyrants.,
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Usagi Yojimbo Art [Updated]
Stan Sakai writes and draw by favorite comic Book, Usagi Yojimbo, I missed the first couple of appearances in ALBEDO but still started reading him early in the run. I started buying the signed and numbered editions as they hit the shelves. I bought them to read. Things I like I want in hardcover so I can read it over and over. On the bookplate of each edition, Stan would draw a small sketch. I didn't get into buying art until 2014 and Stan's original art was mostly outside buy range if you could find it at all. I'd brag though that I had several sketches of Usagi by Stan and I the books. Mostly I didn't think about them. I bought the books to read. The other day I purchased a finished drawing by Stan, Usagi with Clenched Fist which is posted elsewhere on this blog but also below. I started thinking of the sketches in the books and went looking. As the editions reached the twenties and thirties the sketches were mostly head shots with just a signature on the last Dark Horse Edition. These editions ranged from 500 to 1500 copies. That's a lot of sketches and a lot of time that could be put toward the comic. I'm thankful he put the time and thought into the sketches he did. All the work is nice but the earlier editions have some really nice stuff. I look for Stan's work on eBay and on dealer websites. These are much nicer than some of the convention sketches I see posted for sell. As I said elsewhere, I had riches and didn't realize it.
The remaining editions contained mostly head sKetches similar to those displayed already. There are plenty of examples already. No need to scan and post. Enjoy.

Usagi with Clenched Fist by Stan Sakai
The remaining editions contained mostly head sKetches similar to those displayed already. There are plenty of examples already. No need to scan and post. Enjoy.

Usagi with Clenched Fist by Stan Sakai
comic art,
original art,
Stan Sakai
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Rest in Peace, Sir
He wrote some damn good comics. That's all that need be said.
Legendary Batman writer, Denny O'Neil dies at age 81
Recent Additions
Sexy Jungle Girl by Louis Paradis
Usagi with Clenched Fist by Stan Sakai
Vampirella by Jose Luis Arrendondo
Also at least one new addition to the NSFW art.
Usagi with Clenched Fist by Stan Sakai
Vampirella by Jose Luis Arrendondo
Also at least one new addition to the NSFW art.
comic art,
original art
Friday, June 12, 2020
This is interesting...
I suggest you read the whole thing.
Anonymous Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice NarrativeIf that post gets disappeared, you can find it here as well. Really, read the whole thing.
current events
Thursday, June 11, 2020
If you can't win the game...
...change the rules.
Merriam-Webster to Make Orwellian Update to the Definition of 'Racism'
the stupid it hurts
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Defund the Police
I'm confident the majority of Americans know better. The people spouting this bullshit are a loud Leftist minority given slanted coverage by the Media, They don't want to get rid of the police. They want to get rid of what we have now and replace it with their own Cheka. What they don't realize thrie thugs might not be the replacement. That void they create might be filled by something else. What follows falls under interesting times.
politics as usual,
stupid is as stupid does
Monday, June 8, 2020
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