Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Recently Read

Gunpowder and Embers by John Ringo, Kacey Ezell, and Christopher L. Smith

I understand this was originally intended as a collaboration between John Ringo and Larry Corriea that never came about. Ringo found new collaborators and the result is this first novel in a new series.

A rift to another universe opened and the creatures that came through ended out technological civilization. At best a 19th Century level now exists and a young man is tasked by his father with delivering an item to what's left of the United States government. As he collects companions along the way adventure and action ensues.

I liked it a lot and look forward to the sequel[s]. Ringo picked good helpers. I'm not sure how much involvement Ringo had in the final product. It really doesn't feel much like his usual style, but, regardless, the end product reads fine. Highly Recommended.

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