Sunday, November 29, 2015
Seven Years and Counting
Assumptions can kill you.
False assumptions will kill you. As Bob noted, "the fastest growing segments of gun ownership are young, urban and female."
H/T to Bob.
The silence speaks volumes.
The sixty days have expired and not one magazine has been turned in. Not one!
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Never let a crisis go to waste...
Obama Attempts To Exploit Colorado Shooting, Calls for “Assault Weapon” BanFortunately for us it mostly falls on deaf ears or those of his fellow travelers. Still, be afraid. Be very afraid. He won't give up.
Recently Read
The second in a series but I haven't read the first yet. A political thriller of sorts and the protagonist and a female FBI Agent pursue a murder mystery that turns into much more. Collins is a consistent writer and I can't say I ever read anything by him I didn't like. I liked this. I'll be loading the first in the series onto my Kindle and reading it in the near future. Oh and fair warning, if leftish politics bug you, this may as well.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Climate what?
A new Fox News poll finds that in the wake of the Paris terror attacks, the issue of terrorism has become the top concern of American voters. Only 3 percent of respondents said that global warming was the most important issue facing the country today....and the only reason certain politicians are pushing it is that it supports their agenda to increase their power over the rest of us.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Rationalizing the stupid.
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said Monday that blocking Syrian refugees from entering the United States would impair the ability of police officers to connect with the Muslim community.In what universe does that make any sense? Maybe she is saying if we don't let the Syrians in we'll piss off Muslims and that will put the lives of Law Enforcement at risk? So they are at risk whatever we do. Pissing off radical Muslims is a daily occurrence, and we shouldn't bend over for fear of any specific group. The status quo is preferable to increasing the risk by inviting ISIS in hidden among the refugees.Clinton, who wants to import thousands of Syrian refugees, told reporters in Reno that it would look bad not to let in Syrian refugees, and that might inflame Muslims against law enforcement.
“If you’re in law enforcement, … you want the people in the communities that you are looking to get information from to feel like they want to help you,” Clinton said at a Nevada roundtable. “And if the message from people who are running for president, for example, is that we don’t want to take any Muslims whatsoever, that’s not good for law enforcement.”
“Let’s not be casting this broad, negative rejection of everybody who might be Muslim. That is not smart to protect ourselves. And I want people to understand — that is a law enforcement issue,” Clinton added.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015

TSA throws out child's Buzz Lightyear souvenir'Cuz stupid or unable or unwilling to exercise judgement in the course of their duties. They can rationalize it all they want, but like I said, 'cuz stupid.

Charlotte City Council committee kills plan for no-go areas for criminals
...and Police Chief Kerr Putney is against it because it would "stigmatize a community" rather than it is utterly unworkable and fucking stupid 'cuz criminal always obey yhe law.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Recently Read
It's what they do.
NRA, Republicans block proposed law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns in U.S.That's the headline. You can find the story online of you want to read it. I won't link to it. John Richardson provides a summary of the article here and Colion Noir comments below.
Ok, now this is just getting comical. Except it's not funny, it's stupid and slanderous. If there are 2000 suspects on a terror watch list and each of them "legally" bought firearms that means they underwent a FBI background check, which means the FBI knew about each attempted purchase and approved them. This is the dishonest manipulative garbage that anti-gunners engage in and it will only get worse as we get closer to elections. Now ask yourself, why.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
Lions and tigers and bears...oh my!
Bear spotted in Durham CountyThe story is five days old. We're less than a mile away from the original siting so apparently the Bear family is still in the area. Sorry no pictures. Too dark.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Saturday, November 14, 2015
How screwed up is that?
Our hearts are with the victims and survivors of the horrific mass shooting and violent attacks in Paris today.
— Moms Demand Action (@MomsDemand) November 13, 2015
A terrorist attack is a mass shooting and terrorism is "gun violence"? So I guess that makes terrorists gun owners.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Monday, November 9, 2015
“Is it always the will of God that I survive a violent confrontation?”
Moms Demand Action: We Are Holier Than Thou.God helps those that help themselves.
Recently Read
I liked it, but not a lot really happened for the length of the book. That's fine for fans but this is definitely a series that requires starting with book number one.
Ban guns...
Murdered for their guns, Venezuela's police are now victims of crimeWhen only the police have guns, they become targets.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Friday, November 6, 2015
That's not a "no"...
No Decision Yet as Supreme Court Relists Gun Ban CasePray.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
It's what they do.
The "97% Consensus" on Global Warming is Bullshit
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Bloomberg tries to buy Virginia State Senate seat...
Sturtevant defeats Gecker in pivotal Virginia Senate RaceBwahahahahahahahahah!
Of course, that won't stop him from trying it again somewhere else. If Bloomberg has anything, it's money to piss away.
Monday, November 2, 2015
It's what they do...
No, 10,000 Children Aren't Killed Or Injured By Guns Every Year
Sunday, November 1, 2015
That's just a damn shame.
Former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson dies at 73I liked him as an actor and a politician, and I'm sorry to see him go.