Saturday, June 1, 2013

That pesky word "but".

In [formerly] Great Britain, a shopkeeper was threatened by police with arrest if he didn't remove from his storefront a t-shirt on which was printed the slogan Obey Our Laws / Respect Our Beliefs / Or Get Out of Our Country. the police said it might incite racial hatred.
Newport city councillor, Majid Rahman said: “I believe in freedom of speech and defend his rights to say what he wants, but* once it starts offending people then it’s a police matter and it’s up to them whether they think it’s broken any laws.”
When whether you offend is determined by the police then you don't have free speech and when a councilman says he believes in free speech but not if it offends then he doesn't. Me, I've never seen the point of free speech if I'm not allowed to offend, and if you think such we here in the US of A are free of similar ideological idiots, we're not.
 *emphasis mine.

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