Friday, July 2, 2010

NRA Set to Endorse Reid

I can’t stand that #%$&@# Harry Reid. I rather he enter the private sector, but compared to others he’s been good to the Second Amendment and if the alternative is Senate Majority Leader Chuckie Schumer then I won’t give the NRA too much shit if they endorse him. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but there it is.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

No fucking way.


Secesh said...

I think we should get rid if the dimms first, then Reid.Otherwise it might be Chuckie time.

kahr40 said...

If we could get the majority then I'm all for sacking Reid except for the scary thought that at some point the Republicrats might go into the minority again and then Schumer get his time because New York ain't ever gonna kick him to the curb.