Monday, January 18, 2010

In Texas noises woke up...

...a mother in the middle of the night. When she went to investigate she saw two masked men in her hallway. She locked her and her son in the bedroom. The men tried to force the door and one shot through it hitting her 11-year old son. The 11-year old returned fire with his .22 rifle. The home invaders fled. Blood on the floor indicated at least one invader was hit. The 11-year old was taken to a local hospital and is in staple condition. A bad guy showed up at the hospital with a wound in the neck.

Some weenies will probably do an ohmygod a child had a gun, and we need to do something to prevent this rant. Since this occurred in Texas I’m not sure how far that will get. I suspect not far. The 11-year old protected himself and his mother with the best tool he had available, and did a damn good job of it. Most reasonable people recognize this.

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