Tuesday, June 9, 2009

President Obama has a food taster

President Obama's French food tested by 'taster'

I've seen old movies where the medieval ruler has a food taster and the poor son of a bitch keels over after taking a bite of the King's meal. It's something I never really considered as a modern phenomena. I'd be easy to make some snarky comment on the Imperial Presidency, but I guess it makes sense. Gotta make sure the Prez only gets the drugs approved by his handlers.


mts1 said...

Hell, he's already got a top notch court jester in Old Man Biden. And a haughty wife in the mold of Marie Antoinette. I don't know what they used to call that guy who used to go before the King and yell, "All Hail King Wilberforce, make way for the king" or whomever, but the press fills that bill right nicely.

kahr40 said...
