Monday, October 10, 2022


I love comic books. I looked at the pictures before I c ould read. It was adaptions of Edgar Rice Burroughs that pulled me into novels. It was Burroughs, then C. S. Lewis, then Heinlein, then lots and lots and lots. Even though I never stopped reading comics. At one point I was buying near everything DC and Marvel printed. No more and not for a long time. I'm an old man now. I ceased being the audience for the medium for the new writiers. Writers now seem more intent on pushing ideology than telling stories. I know. Politics have always been in comics. Yeah but story used to come first. Politics serviced the story not the ther way round. I still read the occasional Mike Grell or Max Allan Collins title. I but anything by Terry Moore. I love Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo and we'll see who outlasts the other. DC and Marvels value is in IP not current product. Sales drop and soon I think most of their titles will go the way of this one.
DC Comics Canceling Gay Superman's Solo Run After Failure to Sell
I suspect it's the first of many.

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