Monday, February 14, 2022

Rules for Thee, but Not For Me

1 comment:

Mike-SMO said...

They know that the casual way that masks are worn make them worthless. There is no practical way to avoid a respiratory virus except by absolute and obsessive quarantine and they are too important and exempt for anything like that. They have parties, ball games, and meetings to attend.

For the rest of us, the biggest risk comes from unaddressed medical issues (co-morbidities). If you are fat, have diabetes (Type 1 or Type 2), obesity, high blood pressure, or are immune-suppressed due to a transplant or implant, you have to be especially careful. Verify that your levels of Vitamin-D(3) are up to snuff. That Vitamin controls inflammation which causes tissue destruction and blood clotting. You know, as in heart attacks, stroke and a pulmonary embolism, none of which are good. See your doctor and get checked out.