Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Recently Read

The Pursuit of the Pankera by Robert A. Heinlein

I've read that this novel is Heinlein's The Number of the Beast for the first third and diverges in a different direction. Honestly, I don't remember that novel and how it ended well enough to say one way or the other. The Number of the Beast was one of the few Heinlein novels I read once and never had any desire to read again. As for The Pursuit of the Pankera, I read it. I enjoyed it, but not enough that I anticipate reading it again. I'd say if you are a Heinlein fan you owe it to yourself to read it. If you haven't read him before there are other books you should read first. Like everything thing else he wrote other than The Number of the Beast and Beyond This Horizon. If you must, know this. Heinlein at his worst is better than most other writers in their prime. Now go, and do what you will.

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