Twelve dead because they exercised their right to free speech. They killed people because of a frickin' cartoon.
That being said...
Western Militaries are fully capable of finding and killing these evil gits and their associates. Western intelligence and law enforcement agencies have built a good track record of stopping things like this before they occur, but they still occur and the only way to stop them is on the ground as they occur. The police can't be everywhere and the killing has already started before they arrive. You know where I'm headed. The gun control laws of nations like France and Australia, ya know, those progressive civilized countries, enable incidents such as this. Armed citizens, armed staff members, armed cartoonists might have made a difference. I don't say that they would have. I don't know that. I do know that had the staff members of Charlie Hedbo been armed, they would have had a chance.
1 comment:
I want to submit my art of Allah. Nobody is doing Allah is why I wanted to tackle his imagery.
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