Sunday, November 16, 2014

More Prohibitionist Bulls*#t

Director Jessica Solce's new documentary, No Control, premieres November 15 and carries a clear message: "There [are] limits to every right... articulated in the Constitution," and gun rights should be no exception.
I believe the Supreme Court placed the limit on our right to free speech at the equivalent to yelling fire in a crowded theater. So it would seem to me that any limits on my Second Amendment rights should be the equivalent. Right? Say I can't take another human life except in defense of my life or that of another. Outside of that limitation I should be able to do what I damn well please with my property as long as my actions don't harm another or their property. Right?

Instead I have to undergo a background check [a NICS check at the very least] to purchase a firearm. There are limits on the types of firearms I can own. There are limits on who can purchase a firearm. There are limits on where I can carry a firearm. There are multiple intrusions on my Second Amendment rights at the local, State, and National level. Those intrusions are called limitations Ms. Solce. The fact is the shear number of regulations and limitations on a my right to bear arms would send a you and other Leftists into a screaming shit fit if that same level of regulation was placed on the rights you hold precious.

Gun rights already have an insane level of regulation on them but that is not enough for you and other prohibitionists because limitation isn't your goal. Abolition is.

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