Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Starbucks: So much for neutrality.

Starbuck's policy of defaulting to local laws on whether guns were allowed in their stores and staying out of the debate was a nice change of pace among national retailers. Imagine...a national retailer with decidedly liberal tendencies opting for neutrality in the gun debate and letting the free market work? That got Starbucks the appreciation of a lot of American and not just gun owners.

So much for that.

In telling gun owners we are welcome but not our guns, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has indeed chosen a side. Guess what Bub? If my gun isn't welcome neither am I. No Starbucks will ever see another penny from me. I'm not so naive that I believe that decision will make a difference in Starbucks' bottom line, but I won't do business with someone who gives my enemies a victory. Ever.

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