Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fox and the terror loophole.

I was watching Fox and Friends this morning and they aired a story on a new report about the terror gap and how terrorists and suspected terrorists on the watchlist can easily buy guns and how NICS doesn't pick them up or bar the sale. The story cited a report that says we're going to have a Mumbai-style terror event unless this is changed. This terror watch list Senator Frank Lautenberg is the person behind the report cited.

Fox aired this story with out any rebuttal or opposing opinion. I guess they believe it's common sense that United States Citizens should be stripped of a fundamental right to keep and bear arms without recourse, or more importantly simple due process, by a faceless government bureaucrat. They imply this is a National Security issue and so should be taken out of the hands of those legislators helpless before the power of the gun lobby.

Fox provides no opportunity for supporters of RKBA to point out that Lautenberg is a notoriuos pimp for the anti-gun movement and will tell whatever lie and distort any fact to achieve his goal. They fail to note that this terror loophole is the latest bogyman in a long line intended to scare people into giving up their rights in exchange for non-existent security. India had and has stringent gun control. Mumbai still took place. In this case Fox has demonstrated it's either clueless or intentionally deceptive and no different from the other national media outlets.

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