Sunday, August 8, 2010

I’m sick and tired of having to listen... this gay marriage crap. That doesn’t mean I’m for or agin. I’m just tired of the zero sum dialogue on it from both sides. I think the Cajun made this suggestion some time back [and I’m too lazy to look up the post]. Make the union between two consenting adults a purely civil matter with all the crap that comes with it. The matter of finding a priest, preacher, or shaman to bless the union should be separate and apart and have not one damn thing to do with the legality of the union with the understanding that the State has no power, direct or indirect, to force said priest, preacher, or shaman to bless any union it finds offensive to its religion. That means you don't get to pull a church's tax exemption because they "violate" the rights of a couple because they refuse said blessing.

If gays want to be stuck in unhappy unions that require a fricking lawyer to sort out more power to them. Insanity crosses all lines.

That being said I’m oh so tired of judges finding Constitutional rights where none were before while they ignore the rights clearly stated in the document. Over time marriage has at times been a duty, an obligation, and thankfully in recent times a choice, but it never been a right. You guys in the judiciary need to stop making this shit up as you go along. Enough already.

H/T to the Cajun.

1 comment:

rickn8or said...

Well, that makes THREE of us that feel that way...