Friday, April 2, 2010

To the RNC

I’m a one issue voter. That issue is individual freedom. I consider the Second Amendment a freedom issue just as I consider Obamacare a freedom issue. I don’t consider the Republican Party a party that puts issues of my individual freedom on their front burner unless it helps keep them in power. I’m not even going to discuss the obvious contempt the Democrats have for those same liberties. What the Republicans need to understand is that the American people are getting damn tires of supporting the lesser of evils and that party’s tendency to pull back on certain issues as an election strategy is not going to work this time around. I and lots of other people want Obamacare gone and will except nothing less. I understand it may not come overnight. I understand we may have to wait until 2012 for that to happen but it must happen. If not I suggest you consider your history and the “Whigs”.

Thanks to the Doctor and Roberta X.

1 comment:

GuardDuck said...

There's a reason so many traditionally GOP voters have lately been calling them the stupid party.