Monday, February 23, 2009

Roswell, Texas

I just finished the graphic novel Roswell, Texas by L. Neil Smith, Rex F. May and Scott Bieser. Here's a synopsis. This is what amounts to an alternate of Smith's alternate history novel the Probability Broach in graphic novel format. The gist of the plot is that in 1947 an unidentified flying object crash lands in Roswell, Texas and all hell breaks loose as four Texas Rangers and every body else and their brother tries to get to it first. The art is top quality and the story well written and funny as hell. It's a libertarian novel but don't let that stop you. I wish I lived in a place like the Federated States of Texas but ain't gonna happen. This was originally publish online by Big Head Press. The online version [free] is in color and looks much nicer than the hard copy [checked out from the library] which is in gray scale. I'm buying a copy anyway. I like this stuff and want more.

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