Thursday, February 26, 2009

Are they really that stupid?

Obama's AG, Eric Holder said today that
As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons
Apparently this would not only be "positive" for the United States but good for our neighbor to the south. Well fuck Mexico. My rights don't hinge on their needs. Close the freaking border and that should settle the issue of a few guns, purchased through strawmen, going south.

All a renewed ban will guarantee for me and many others is that I will find the money to buy that AR before the ban goes into effect and come the midterms "his arrogance" and his boys will learn the same lessons the Clinton administration did if they're lucky.

I heard this on the radio on the way home this evening. They noted that Pelosi was asked about the ban. Her response was no to the ban and that enforcement of current laws was enough. Maybe the Democrat leadership has learned from the past, but I doubt it.

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