Thursday, December 25, 2008

Quote of the Day

From Pajamas Media we get this interesting piece on an op-ed the NYT wouldn't print.
No amount of inspired fantasy, however, can omit the simple truth that there is only one significant difference between Bill Ayers and Timothy McVeigh.


Thanks to Confederate Yankee for pointing the way.


Nate said...

I for one, can't figure out the difference between Ayers and the 5 guys just convicted for their plans to attack Fort Dix. That was Ayer's target when his group was building bombs. So why the difference in treatment?

Nate said...

Forgot the link- sorry.

kahr40 said...

I'm not sure either. their plan was apparently fairly early in the planning stages when they were nabbed, If they had gotten to implementation they would have been willing to die for their cause. The difference that I can see based on what I read about Ayers was that he was willing for others to die for his cause while he sat safely elsewhere. He planned. They did and died. The difference? Cowardice?

Mike W. said...

The difference? Ayers is a member of liberal academia, so he gets a pass.