Thursday, February 18, 2010

NC: Brady Scorecard

North Carolina scores 19 out of a 100 on the Brady Bunch's scorecard.
While North Carolina has some common sense gun laws, the state lacks many gun laws that would stop the flow of illegal guns and protect children, according to the Brady Campaign. In the organization’s 2009 state scorecards released for all 50 states, North Carolina earned just 19 points out of a total of 100.

While permits are required to purchase handguns at gun shows, a Brady criminal background check is not required at the time of purchase. For long guns, including many military-style assault weapons, no permit or background check is required for purchase at gun shows and other venues where unlicensed vendors sell guns.
I'm glad the Bradys called this problem to our attention. We in North Carolina need to do something to improve our score. I'd like to strive for a 0 out of 100 by the end of their next evaluation period. I figure there's a snowball chance in hell but a repeal of the permit system, modification of the weapon on campus law, passage of a Castle Doctrine, and a number of other small changes would be a good start.

H/T to Sebastian.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people.