Thursday, November 26, 2009

The retail wars have begun...

...and I'm out to quest for a bicycle for eight year old Ruthie. Apparently Toys R Us is starting Black Friday when Friday begins and they've got just the one she wants at a cut rate price. Wish me luck. Some of my competitors are actually mothers. Hey, I may have misspelled it.

Update: Arrived in Hell a little after midnight and spent two and one half hours on the checkout line to find the item I wanted didn't go on sale until 5 AM. Place was bug fuck nuts. Left without Ruthie's bicycle and went next door to Target. Stood in line two hours then got what I went after there with less than twenty minutes in the store. Then back to Toys R Us to get the bike. The store looked like swarm of locust had gone through it. I did get the bicycle. No too bad and nobody died.

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