Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Compromise from the SAF?

Second Amendment activist Alan Gottlieb said Tuesday he has offered to back a controversial gun-control proposal — if lawmakers agree to end what some see as a de facto database of handgun owners.
I seriously hope this is a misquote. After all the good work they've done for gun owners it'd be a shame for them to piss it all away supporting Obama's gun control agenda at any level.

H/T to David.


rremington said...

This is about state legislation. He's basically adding a poison pill to the works.

Glen said...

No state has yet instituted so-called universal background checks without criminalizing private gun transfers.

REPEAT: Every place where “universal background checks” have become law, it has also become illegal to sell, give or transfer a firearm to another person without utilizing a federal firearms licensee, filing-out a Form 4473, and registering that ownership in a state-run database.

This is how all firearms transfers must be conducted in California. And based upon the recently passed legislation, it is also how all transfers will will be conducted in Colorado, too. There are simply no whiz-bang, high-tech “Internet Instant Background Checks” that do not involve criminalizing all private firearms transfers.

Also, as Dave Hardy has noted, universal background checks are meaningless without registration.

So whatever Alan Gottlieb thinks he may be doing, his actions are likely informed by ignorance and/or misinformation, because it is impossible to institute universal background checks without also instituting universal registration and forcing all transfers to take place on the premises of an FFL dealer.

rremington said...

hopefully this isn't too big to put here:

Details on That Compromise in Washington: I do not normally reproduce e-mails I receive but am willing to risk sharing this third-party reply to the reports that Alan Gottlieb, of SAF/CCRKBA, has been involved in negotiating a compromise bill for “universal” background checks:

Fact: Washington has had a firearm registry since 1931 for all dealer transactions.

Fact: Current private sales are not recorded.

Fact: Seized guns (dropped charges or false arrest) results in guns not being returned if the gun isn't registered or if they don't have a bill of sale. These people either forfeit the gun or sue to get it back... Major problem.

Fact: if the Democrats control the state in 2014, this bill will pass and ban private sales.

Fact: CPL's are very easy to get in Washington, most people will not sell privately unless the person has a CPL. People may disagree, but this is how things are.

The proposal is to do the following:

1. Shut down the firearm registry for good. All the associated problems with it will go away.

2. FFL sales will simply comply with ATF requirements and that will be all.

3. Private sales will be subject to a background check by telephone to the state police. Approval would not be needed, if it isn't denied for cause, then the transfer is automatically approved. Also, no gun information would be relayed (make, model, serial number, firearm type)... I repeat, no firearm information would be recorded or disclosed. This would also be free of charge.

4. CPL holders would be exempt and the division of licensing would have a website where a private seller can submit the CPL information to see if the license is valid, similar to the Easy Check system the ATF has for dealer licenses.

Gottlieb Adds: First you should know that I do not support Washington House Bill 1588 as it is currently written. My support for a state universal background check bill must include a substantial victory for gun owners that includes, but is not limited to repealing, prohibiting and destroying the current state handgun registration system and the data base of several million records of gun owners and their firearms that include the type of handguns and the serial numbers... There are other inclusions that must be made as well that are good for our rights and freedom that need to be in a final bill to have my support... My guess is that the gun grabbers will not go along with these provisions and kill the bill. If they do the "blood" so to speak is on their hands, not ours. There are other smart, tactical, political and morally justified reasons why I have taken this position that I do not want to make public at this time. We do have enemies and I am not going to telegraph our strategy to them by spelling out our battle plans...