Sunday, March 20, 2011

There's a bill in Congress that...

...would require ISPs to keep records of where their customers surf the web. Child pornography is the excuse given but can you really imagine the Federal Government being able to keep their sticky fingers out of the data if some Federal Agency suddenly discovers a need. I mean, it'd probably be very helpful in investigations of copyright infringement and harassment of the political opposition. This is just another fucking slippery slope and child pornography is just the excuse. Enough already. More here.

H/T to Jeff.

1 comment:

Windy Wilson said...

Yep, kiddie porn.
Such a monstrous crime, no one can object at any abridgement or infringment of constitutional or human rights, and then, of course, once the precedent is set, it will be applied to something virtually as bad as kiddie porn, perhaps a mere articulable suspiciion of an accusation of child abuse, and then, like RICO is now applied to any claimed pattern of crime, it will be applied to any accusation involving the use of the internet whatsoever. Think how helpful it would have been with the Loughner shooting case.
Likewise, we will all be chipped, first it will be Alzheimer's patients, and then parolees, and other orders to compel or prohibit behavior, and then some other reason will be ginned up.