Friday, March 31, 2017
Ghost in the Shell [2017]
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
We have the same problem in North Carolina
Internal Sheriffs Association email shows that money drives pistol permit lawThe North Carolina Sheriff's Association opposed any repeal of the Jim Crow Pistol Purchase Permit I believe in part because they'll lose the fees. They other part for some Sheriff's is they'll lose the ability to say no to applicants they don't like. The last attempt to kill it died because of opposition by the NCSA. This problem isn't Alabama's alone.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Who Says an AR-15 is No Good for Home Defense.
Homeowner's son shoots, kills three would-be burglars
It does look that way, doesn't it?
House GOP voted over 60x to repeal Obamacare because they knew it would never pass and they needed your votes and your money. All an act.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) March 25, 2017
A liberal friend of mind has always claimed that Obamacare was at its core a Republican plan designed as a counter to Hillarycare in the 80's just in case. I always called bullshit on him. NOW I'm not so sure. The Establishment Republican sure do seem to like them some Big Government programs, don't they?
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Out California way...
Expect more of this.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Some people can't open their mouths...
Opposing Teams Should Boycott Playing Arkansas if Concealed Weapons Are Allowed at GamesMissouri passed campus carry the other day and their Governor signed it into law. Kyle Koster, over at USA Today, has a problem with it. Here's the core of his blather...
No matter one’s beliefs about the Second Amendment, the new measure will likely create a situation where one group of people are allowed to carry and others are not. It’s not reasonable to believe players who have a permit and complete the required training will be allowed to have weapons during games. At the very least, team rules will be put in place to assure this is the case. How are you going to ask athletes to surrender the rights afforded to fans?Yes. There will be one group of people allowed to carry and others who are not. That would be those who undergo the bureaucratic hassle and training required to get government permission to exercise their Second Amendment rights as opposed to those who don't and carry anyway. The first group can be trusted to carry. The second group may be trusted to carry but that's a flip of the coin. In any event, CCW permit holders aren't the problem. Athletes who go to that hassle to get a CCW permit won't be a problem because they are bright enough to know when to carry and when not to. My experience with the majority of CCW permit holders is that they are respectful of others and go out of their way to avoid trouble.
Then Koster falls back on the tired gun banner's argument that if some change occurs in gun laws that loosens restriction on carry, there will be blood in the streets, or in this case athletic field. Koster and his ilk have been claiming this since Florida first passed shall issue CCW legislation in the 80's. Didn't happen n Florida. Hasn't happened anywhere else. Tired. Old. Arguments. But then, that's all they have isn't it. Oh, and threats like this one to boycott Missouri. Pathetic little sh... isn't he?
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Go Nuclear
Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Gorsuch nominationChildish behavior by the Democrats because the Republicans wouldn't let them pack the court during Obama's last year in office. Exercise the Reid Option. We knew it was gonna happen anyway. The Democrats don't wanna play nice. Just do it and get it over with.
Recently Read
It' a good book and highly recommended. Now. I'm done with Weber re-reads for awhile. I've got my latest Baen bundle to work on.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Bernie Wrightson has...
Damn it.
Bernie Wrightson mostly drew horror comics and co-created Swamp Thing. He did great work.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Quote of the Day
My scholarship (past and forthcoming) argues that administrative power undermines equal voting rights by shifting much lawmaking power out of Congress into the hands of unelected administrators. My work shows, moreover, that this shift occurred when the knowledge class regretted the boisterous sort of politics that came with equal voting rights. Woodrow Wilson candidly explained that “the reformer is bewildered” by the need to persuade “a voting majority of several million heads”—especially when the reformer needed to influence “the mind, not of Americans of the older stocks only, but also of Irishmen, of Germans, of Negroes.” One could go on at length with such quotes, and certainly administrative power has been dominated by whites of a certain class, but the point is not narrowly about racism. Instead, it is about how a class that expected deference to its knowledge was disappointed with the results of equal suffrage in a diverse society. It therefore welcomed a transfer of lawmaking power out of the elected legislature and into the hands of the right sort of people.H/T to Sebastian.
Friday, March 17, 2017
So I guess, if ten or more white people get together...
Seriously?St. Patrick's day encourages and perpetuates the idea of whiteness and white culture. It otherizes non-whites and promotes nationalism.
— End St.Patrick's Day (@endstpats) February 4, 2017
Oh, and Happy St. Patrick's Day.
[UPDATE] Maybe it's a joke. Maybe not. It's easy to believe people are that stupid.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Recently Read
This is fourth in Weber's Honor Harrington series. This may be the third time I've read it. Again, it's Weber. It's good.
Remeber that Netflix special where Amy Schumer...
‘Horribly Unfunny’: Amy Schumer’s Netflix Special Gets Trashed With One-Star Reviews
Another Win for the Good Guys?
Second Amendment may be restored on Army Corps of Engineers land
Monday, March 13, 2017
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Recently Read
It's another book reread. It's Weber. It's good.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Constitutional Carry passes in South Dakota...
Recently Read
It seems as if I've read this recently, but I got a new copy with "more content" in a recent Baen bundle and so read it again. Couldn't notice a difference. Best scene was Nimitz and Honor wading into a crew of bad guys trying to assassinate the Protector and his family. Best thing about the Honor Harrington books is Nimitz, the treecat. Highly Recommended.
By the way the original version of the novel is in Baen's Free Library.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
The truth doesn't matter to the New York Times...
"Truth Doesn't Matter to The NY Times."
— Tennessee (@TEN_GOP) February 28, 2017
Brilliant @NRA commercial👏👏 It needs to be spread like wildfire! #trumpaddress #JointAddress
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
I think I'll take a pass on that.
Amy Schumer Uses Netflix Special to go After ‘Gun Nuts’...and yes, Ms. Schumer, based on your associations and your mouth, you do want to take away our guns. My hope is your special does about as well as Ms. Sloane did.
Monday, March 6, 2017
Sunday, March 5, 2017
There was a pro-Trump rally in Raliegh NC yesterday
Hundreds rally to support President Trump in RaleighNobody got beat up.
Nobody got pepper sprayed.
Nobody got hurt.
This despite a few of the opposition being present. Imagine that.
UPDATE: More pictures from Berkley.
I'm kinda curious to see where this goes.
Yes, There Could Be Serious Legal Problems if Obama Admin Involved in Illegal SurveillanceNowhere I suspect. I'm constantly amazed by how far the Left is willing to go to protect him.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Recently Read
This book four in Dixon's Bad Times series. This time it's back to the time period of the first novel to rescue the friend they left behind. The protohumans they fought then aren't the problem now. It's humans. Good stuff.
Too Much Time on Their Hands
These protestors have too much time on their hands. Maybe we can come up with something useful for them to do. Breaking rocks instead of throwing them.
...and on a similar note.
Gun v. pick-axe ends up about how you'd expect
H/T to Dean.
Recently Read
An alternate history where Edgar Allan Poe did not die in 1849 but instead survived is alcoholism and built a new life in the South. Here we find Poe fighting under Lee during the Civil War still haunted by hhis past. It's short at 64 pages, but a good read. I've not looked to see if Williams has written anything in this genre, but if he has, I'd be interested i giving it a try based on this alone.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Good Work
Secretarial Order No. 3346 overturns the recent ban of lead ammunition and fish tackle used on Fish and Wildlife Service lands, waters, and facilities. The order highlights the need for additional review and consultation with local stakeholders.Like I said, good work. My hopes for the Trump Administration continue to rise.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Recently Read
This time it's back to Palestine to prevent the murder of a teenage Christ. Five against a couple of Centuries of Roman infantry. Good stuff.