Saturday, September 15, 2012


Voluntary, my ass. When no less than five police officers/deputies show up at your door in the middle of the night, ask you to voluntarily come on down town to answer a few questions, handcuff you and stuff you in the back of a patrol car for a ride downtown how do you think a reasonable person is going to interpret that? It's called under arrest buddy. No reasonable person is going to see it any other way, and for what crime?

A probation violation? My ass. Can you spell PRETEXTUAL. The man was arrested not for a possible probation violation but for embarrassing the President of the United States in the UNITED STATES.
President Obama you swore an oath to protect and defend the U. S. Constitution. All of it. Not just the parts that are convenient. When you or your Justice Department instigate shit like this, you violate your oath. You are an oathbreaker, a liar, and unfit to hold the office to which you were you were elected.
Election day can't come quick enough.

UPDATE: OK, apparently he wasn't cuffed but had his hands in his pockets. Makes no difference. He had no choice but to go.

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