Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Tooth Fairy

My ten year old daughter is convinced the Tooth Fairy stole her Nintendo DS. She had it to and from her speech therapy appointment. The next day she couldn't find it. She's looked all over the house and my van. No Nintendo DS. Why the Tooth Fairy? She lost a tooth and left it under her pillow the night after her therapy appointment. The next morning her tooth and Nintendo were gone and a crisp five dollar was left under the pillow. She's a kid and it only stands to reason. We can't convince her otherwise. If we tell her the Tooth Fairy isn't real then she'll doubt the existence of the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and God. God help the Tooth Fairy next time my youngest loses a tooth.


Kathy Frederickson said...

You're right, our kids may lose their belief in everything else if we let them stop believing in the tooth fairy. Their faith is really vulnerable at such a tender age, so we just have to keep playing along with their fantasies. I even connived with my kids' dentists in Jackson, TN so that there would be consistency. It's a tough task, but it's for the kids so it's alright.

kahr40 said...

BTW we found the Nintendo my wife's van which i wasn't allowed to search because she had and it wasn't there. the Tooth Fairy is safe for now.