Saturday, January 8, 2011

A WTF Moment

In Las Vegas a 13 year old girl jaywalked and was hit by a car. As she is being taken to surgery for a serious head injury, a police officer arrives to give her a citation for jaywalking. When he can’t serve the girl he serves the mother. Ya know, the mother who’s distraught over the injured daughter. What a self-absorbed insensitive ass, but he’s probably just the exception to the rule, right?

Here’s the LVPD’s response to the resulting uproar…A
spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police Department issued a statement about how the citation was issued, saying, “Our officers conduct themselves in a professional and compassionate way. We wouldn’t do anything deliberately insensitive.”
…and based on that statement I think it’s clear he's the rule rather than the exception, and I have to ask just what the fuck is wrong with the Las Vegas Police Department?

H/T to Popehat.

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