Tuesday, November 26, 2013

There are times I wonder just what the NRA is thinking.

Is NRA throwing printed guns under the bus?
In the past the NRA has stepped aside because there were no guns the law applied to. Even with the advent of 3D printed guns that's really still the case. If not fore the fact that certain legislatures are using this as an opportunity to also ban the manufacture of magazines and gun parts I could almost shrug my shoulders...almost. That alone should get the NRA off it's ass on this one. Then the there is the fact that's gun control an the usual suspects are all involved. The opposition should be there just on general principles. We should give them nothing...ever. I guess they don't want to burn political capital, or there's this.
There is, however, something the NRA could do to make the "shill for the gun industry" accusation even more obviously false. By aggressively lobbying against U.S. Representative Steve Israel's (D-NY) H.R. 1474 [and now Sen. Bill Nelson's (D-FL) S. 1149 and S. 1774]. which would outlaw the practice of using 3-D printers to produce ammunition magazines and other gun parts, the NRA would demonstrate that its top priority is indeed the protection of Americans' gun rights--even the right to produce guns in one's home, with no profit potential for the gun industry.

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