Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October is Dysautonomia Awareness Month

Dysautonomia SOS

Dysautonomia is an umbrella term for multiple autonomic disorders. My son Noah has currently been diagnosed sevral disorders that fall under that umbrella; Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue & Immune Disorder, and Neurocardiogenic Syncopy. There is still a possibility for Gastroparesis & Elhers-Danos syndrome. Basically, what this means is his autonomic nervous system does not function properly. So anything our bodies are supposed to do 'automatically'; body temperature control, pupils dilation, heart rate and/or blood pressure regulation? None of it works for him, and in addition,, it causes Noah's blood vessels to constrict closed or nearly closed when he stands or changes positions. This causes blood to pool at the bottoms of his arms & in his legs & feet & his heart cannot pump the blood back properly.

So why post? Like the title says, "awareness". Most people have never heard of Dysautonomia and knowledge is a good thing. When we started this journey most of the doctors Noah saw had never even heard of it. It's sad when the patient has to educate the doctor. Also, prayers are always welcome and needed. They help.

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