Tuesday, January 29, 2013

ARRRRRG, the stupid. It hurts

In Hyannis MA, a five year old makes a gun out of Legos and is threatened with expulsion. You see according to the principal it was a "threat" to the other children. According to me the principal is an idiot. They're toys lady. FRICK'N toys. They are a threat to no one. He was playing like all normal five year old boys do.

My hope for the family of the five year old is that they are well off enough to pull their child from the local public indoctrination center and home school him. BECAUSE if the principal is any indication of the level of intelligence of the rest of the school staff, he can't possibly be any worse off being taught at home.


Spikessib said...

Maybe not stupid. These over the top reactions (Panic, Will Robinson, Panic!) teach all of the other kids in school guns are bad, bad, bad.

Bird of Paradise said...

Zero tollrence of Common Sense this poppycock that we must not offend certian persons with the natonal antheme or flag salute is idiotic and stupid