Sunday, April 10, 2011

NC: HB 650

HB 650 amends several gun laws in North Carolina in what amounts to a bit of house cleaning. Most of the amendments don't go far enough, but fall under good enough for now. Reading the actual bill gives me a frickin' headache. Fortunately, Sean, over at An NC Gun Blog, has done the hard work for me and provides the gist of each amendment for our edification. HB 650 is worth supporting so give your representatives a call.


Sean D Sorrentino said...

Thanks for the link.

I'm starting to feel a bit like Alice. I started trying to understand the bills, and then the underlying laws, and I start to wonder how deep the rabbit hole goes.

You are right about not going far enough, but certainly some improvement. There'll be plenty of work for us next year too.

kahr40 said...

Being NC, the incremental approach may be best. If, and I mean if, this passes having a CCH in NC might actually mean something. Right now there are so many places in NC you can't carry it's hardly worth while having one.