Sunday, September 8, 2013

Prayers needed.

My youngest daughter, twelve years old, has been admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and possibly meningitis. Prayer would be appreciated.

[UPDATE: 8/9/2013] It was not meningitis, but beyond that the doctors couldn't decide whether it was pneumonia or not. What you really find out during episodes of this sort is what doctors don't know. That's a hell of a lot more than they think they know. My baby is at home now on the same meds they were giving her at the hospital. It's for the best. This way the semi ex-wife don't kill nobody. What I am sure of is my baby wouldn't be home without the prayers of friends and family. Thank you all.


Borepatch said...

Prayers and best wishes to the young lady.

Jennifer said...

Prayers inbound. Blessings to you and yours.

Bob S. said...

Will do, prayers on the way for fast, easy recovery.

Anonymous said...

She will beat it. Had pneumonia twice and still here. Prayers and good wishes to you both.


Anonymous said...

Prayers for you and yours.